Listings of 'This Week with Huzoor Aqdas (aba)' from MTA NEWS
Below is a listing reference guide to MTA International regular weekly news reports concerning His Holiness, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V. Each news summary is listed with its contents and clicking on any title or photo will take you to that particular news segment on the MTA YOUTUBE channel.
➤ 8 January 2021
➤ 15 January 2021
➤ 22 JANUARY 2021
➤ 29 JANUARY 2021
Discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 9 Jan 2021)
➤ 5 FEBRUARY 2021
Discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 5 Feb 2021)
- Why should we read the Holy Qur'an? – 50 sec
- Why is there Corona Virus? – 2.40
- Guidance for newly qualified Jama'at doctors – 4:10
- Advice on healthy and appropriate forms of entertainment for Waqfe-Nau - 7:40
- What is the greatest spiritual status women can achieve? – 10:50
- Our neighbours are non-Ahmadi. When there is a death in the family, they observe the 'Chaliswan' [40 days of mourning] and also invite us to partake in this ritual. Are we permitted to accept such invitations? – 13:15
- When Huzoor (aba) was going for the elections fo the Khalifa, did Huzoor (aba) see any dreams regarding it beforehand? – 14:37
- What is the best way we can show gratitude to Allah the Almighty? – 15:40
- How did Huzoor (aba) study in his childhood and what career did Huzoor wanted to achieve when older? Also can Huzoor give us some guidance? - 22:50
➤ 12 FEBRUARY 2021
Discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 12 Feb 2021)
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) gave advice on range of issues including not only the importance of donating blood for the benefit of all humanity but establishing good working relationship with medical institutions who can call on the Jama'at for urgent blood supplies when needed. This relationship also helps with tabligh – 1.10 sec
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) guidance of collating and sharing of data for Rishta Nata purposes – 6.10 sec
- Summary of Friday Sermon – Chaudhry Hameedullah Sahib - 8:50 sec
➤ 19 FEBRUARY 2021
Discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 19 Feb 2021)
- When you meet different world leaders or when you address in various parliaments, what prayers does Huzoor Aqdas (aba) recite? – 50 sec
- The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him), received a revelation that: "Kings will seek blessings from thy garments." Can Huzoor Aqdas please elaborate on this? – 4:15 sec
- In society, we usually find two types of people - those with no interest in religion and those with but have extremist tendencies. Can Huzoor Aqdas enlighten how we can preach to both these types? – 9.00 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) spoke to The Gambia National Amila members and asked about educational performance and statistics. He also spoke to Talim Dept and said Jama'at need to engage more in public service positions. Medical services by the Jama'at were also reported to Huzoor Aqdas (aba). Finally Amir Sahib presented a video tour of various departments including the printing press and MTA. –16.15 sec
- Summary of Friday Sermon on Hazrat Musleh Maou'd (ra). – 25.00 sec
➤ 26 FEBRUARY 2021
Discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 26 Feb 2021)
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) enquired about their Tarbiyyat plan for the country and then gave comprehensive guidance on the importance of a proper plan that will also benefit other departments – 50 sec.
- The General Secretary of Nigeria mentioned thare are 513 Jama'ats in Nigeria and Huzoor Aqdas (aba) advised that a missionary should be assigned for each Jama'at and for this they should plan and implement this instruction – 3:30 sec
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) spoke to various missionaries – 5:15 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas asked the Lajna Ta'lim Secretary to outline the department's annual plan of Nigeria – 9.15 sec.
- The Nigerian Lajna Tarbiyyat Secretary spoke about their department's plan and answered Huzoor Aqdas's questions – 10:30 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas asked about the Nigerian Lajna Tabligh plan and gave guidance including that each Amila member should achieve at least one Bai'at every year – 11.55 sec.
- The Crafts Secretary (Gastari) showed some completed craft projects and Huzoor Aqdas was pleased to hear that talented ladies were being encouraged to start their own business. – 12:45 sec
- Huzoor Aqdas said to the Lajna member: "Encourage every girl to take higher education." – 14.00 sec.
- A Lajna member asked Huzoor Aqdas a question about purdah to which he gave a concise reply – 14:25 sec.
- Friday Sermon summary was the continuation of the life of Hazrat Uthman(ra). Huzoor Aqdas also talked about four recent deaths – 17.00 sec
Discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 5 March 2021)
- Huzoor Aqdas gave guidance to the National Tarbiyat Secretary on the moral training of Ahmadi youth especially with regards to the importance of prayer – 50 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas outlined to the Atfal Secretary the importance of moral and spiritual training of Ahmadi children and gave specific guidelines – 2:10 sec.
- The Muhtamim Maal was asked by Huzoor Aqdas how much they were charging non-earning members and gave guidelines for those whose circumstances might make it difficult to pay the prescribed rate – 3:15 sec.
- In response to a question, Huzoor Aqdas, said special attention should be given to Atfal at the sensitive age of 14 just before the age of 15 when they become Khuddam. Huzoor Aqdas gave a brief but detailed answer – 5:55 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas addressed the issue of low Jumuah attendance of Atfal and Khuddam during school time – 9:45 sec.
- Question was asked to Huzoor Aqdas on how best a Waqfe Nau medical school student as a doctor should serve the Jama'at - 12:55 sec.
- Question was asked to Huzoor Aqdas about Waqfe Nau who have Jama'at responsibilities and are studying at the same time and what they should prioritise on – 14:50.
- What sacrifices can Waqfe Nau make for the Jama'at and how do we know that Allah has accepted our sacrifice? Huzoor Aqdas answers this question – 16.30 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas was intrigued by a Waqfe Nau member's chosen field of cyber security and commented – 18:25 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas affectionately noted the matured appearances of those now grown up who once attended his classes – 21:05 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas was asked about those Waqfe Nau studying life science subject if they should put their emphasise on research or teaching careers – 22:10 sec.
- Summary of Friday Sermon – continuation of the life of Hazrat Uthman(ra) – 24.20 sec.
Discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 12 March 2021)
- Huzoor Aqdas enquired from the Ansar Sadr about the exercise regime of the Safee Domme members of the Ansar (aged between 40-55) and instructed greater emphasis on cycling – 1:30 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) outlined the Tarbiyat plan for Australia and said the responsibility to train one's children lay on the shoulder of Ansar members to ensure the success of future generations – 3:15 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) emphasised the importance of reading and continuing to learn aspects of the Holy Qur'an no matter what age one may be – 5:15 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) spoke to all members present about their respective roles. Brief summary of some is presented – 6:15 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) was asked what role Ansar can play in the rising number of marriage trouble issues and increased divorce rate. Huzoor Aqdas (aba) gave a comprehensive answer – 7:20 sec.
- Question was asked that despite the appearance of [Divine} punishment, what is the reason why the world is failing to turn towards the Imam of the age – 12:12 sec.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) gave words of guidance to the Khuddam Amila members of Nigeria – 17:40 sec.
- A segment of the Friday Sermon – continuation of the life of Hazrat Uthman(ra) – 18:40 sec.
Discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 19 March 2021)
- One of the areas Huzoor Aqdas (aba) covered was the importance of compiling and preserving the history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at in Ghana – 1:15 secs.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) gave advice on Tabligh activities which can be done on the Jama'ats radio and tv station and advised that more 'live' transmissions should be produced as they are more effective – 2:55 secs.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) emphasised the Ghana Jama'at should set 'ambitious tabligh' targets and pursue keenly to achieve these – 6:00 secs.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) spoke to the Missionary in Obuasi region of Ghana which has over 2500 Ahmadis and gave guidance for targets for Tarbiyyat and Ba'iats – 6:45 secs.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) spoke to the Missionary from Damago area about the local Jama'at which has nearly 4,500 members – 7:45 secs.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) spoke to the Missionary serving in Bolgatanga area which presently has over 2,000 members and enquired about their Ba'iat target for this year – 9:20 secs.
- The Missionary from the Assim area spoke about the number of Ba'iats they hope to achieve in the 2021 Centenary year – 11.00 secs.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) said every missionary, should every day, offer two nawafils in their Tahajjud prayers for the purpose of attaining Ba'iats – 11:40 secs.
- Huzoor Aqdas (Aba) spoke to the Ghana Amir on a range of matters and advised on giving missionaries targets for Ba'iats and Tarbiyyati goals. Huzoor also advised on the building of more small and simple mosques over a set yearly plan up to five years – 12:10 secs.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) spoke about the Jamia in Ghana and said "MarshAllah, your Jamia Ahmadiyya of Ghana is counted among the best Jamia'ats in term of its building – it is right at the top amongst the Jamia'ats in the world." – 13:15 secs.
- Huzoor Aqdas (aba) advised all "Missionaries should particularly pay attention towards the daily prayers and voluntary prayers and should read the Qur'an and ponder over its meanings..." – 14:40 secs.
- A segment of the Friday Sermon – continuation of the life of Hazrat Uthman(ra) – 15:40 secs.
Discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 26 March 2021)
- Meeting with the MTA Wahab Adam Studio staff and volunteers in Ghana. A presentation was made on the history and facilities of the complex – 45 sec.
- After the presentation individual team members introduced themselves and received guidance - 3:15 secs.
- Mirza Saleh Ahmad stated he worked at least 10 hours a day in MTA and Huzoor advised that 1-2 fillers should be made in different languages to benefit the diverse population of the country and shown regularly throughout the day – 3:32 secs.
- Huzoor spoke to Abdul Moomen Muslim – a volunteer tv programme presenter. His Holiness stressed the importance on why programmes should be made for children about religion as well as looking at contemporary issues – 5.00 secs.
- Huzoor spoke to Munirat Aidoo, the Lajna Coordinator and commented that he sometimes watched their programmes which he found informative – 6:15 secs.
- Saeeda Sahiba, a volunteer camera-operator spoke and mentioned she produces the programme ‘Craft Corner’ – 6:50 secs.
- Question was asked of Huzoor’s expectations of future programming. Huzoor said: “...I want that this should be the best studio and channel in Ghana in particular, and in Africa in general.” – 7:30 secs.
- A speaker said a lot of people were now watching MTA Ghana but Huzoor said he would like to see confirmed data and research on types of programmes that people want to view - 8:20 secs.
- A virtual meeting class with Nasirat in Australia – Huzoor enquired first about the floods and the welfare of members at the mosque – 10:45 secs.
- Rumena Tanveer Ahmad asked in circumstances when a man is not available, can a woman slaughter an animal? Huzoor said: “Who says that it is only the particular job of a man?”- 12:15 secs.
- Aisha Tasleem asked His Holiness what do you like to eat during the Sehri and Iftari [morning and evening meals during Ramadan]. Huzoor said: “Other than that I do not eat Pakoras, samosas or chaats or other unnecessary dishes like you all do!” – 13:05 secs.
- A question was asked by a Nasirat member if enjoying the comforts of the world was compatible with one’s faith as a Muslim – 14:42 secs.
- Aiva Khan asked a question that if someone says that they believe in Ahmadiyyat and followed the practices but they have not done Bai’at, would they still be considered as an Ahmadi? – 17:50 secs.
- Saira Saman asked what is the best way to convince a non-Muslim that burying a dead body is more respectful than cremation? – 21:05 secs.
- At the end of the meeting, Huzoor watched a report on the nearby dams and their effects of the flooding – 23:35 secs.
- Summary of the Friday sermon where His Holiness spoke on the subject of Promised Messiah Day (peace be upon him) – 15:10 sec.
Discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 2 April 2021)
- Meeting with the Lajna National Amila Germany. Office holders present introduced themselves and sought guidance for their department from Huzoor Aqdas (aba) – 45 sec.
- Mariam Ghaffar who works in the Tarbiyat Department (moral training) was given guidance by Huzoor Aqdas (aba) for setting categories and targeting specific issues within the German Lajna fold. Huzoor Aqdas (aba) said: “You cannot have the same approach for every person”. Huzoor Aqdas (aba) also said that plans should be made to address contemporary issues and other questions asked by Lajna. Huzoor Aqdas (aba) made an important point that: “Every Ahmadi that has been in the Jama’at from before plays a role in welcoming and looking after the new converts." – 1:25 sec.
- Asifa Muhammad – Secretary for Nasirat introduced herself and Huzoor Aqdas (aba) said: “Ensure for the Tarbiyat of the Nasirat in a way that by the time they enter Lajna Imaillah, they do not stray away from the Nizam of the Jama’at nor become influenced by society.” Huzoor then elaborated on this further – 5:30 sec.
- “… what have you prepared today?” was the question Huzoor Aqdas. (aba) asked Ruksana Ahmad from the Ziafat (Hospitality) Dept after she introduced herself. – 7:00 secs.
- Rubina Ahmed who works in the Rishta Nata Dept was asked by Huzoor Aqdas (aba): “How many matches have you arranged for marriage in the last 5 to 6 months”. Huzoor Aqdas (aba) also addressed concerns in match-making whereby many girls are more educated than the males – 7:33 secs.
- Question asked that the Lajna Imaillah will commemorate its 100th years centenary in December 2022 and asked Huzoor Aqdas (aba) for guidance as to how they can express gratitude to mark this occasion – 9:10 secs.
- Virtual meeting with Atfal (males under the age of 15) from the USA at the Bait-ur Rahman Mosque in Maryland, USA – 11:30 secs.
- Question asked to Huzoor Aqdas (aba) on how do get prayers accepted by Allah and what are the other ways to have them answered. Huzoor Aqdas (aba) stressed the importance of Durood and said: “All your prayers goes through the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and Durood must accompany your Dua." – 12:05 secs.
- Roshan Rasheed from Baltimore Jama’at asked Huzoor Aqdas (aba) for prayers for him and his brother as they are both doing Hifz (memorisation) of the Qur’an – 13:30 secs.
- Next question was from a Waqf-e-Nau, Misbah-ud-Deen, who is also memorising the Qur’an. Misbah asked that having dedicated his life and becoming a Hafiz, how could he best serve the Jama’at? – 14:06 secs.
- Misbah asked another interesting question: “I have noticed that all the Khulafa of Ahmadiyyat and the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) wear a distinct attire, i.e. the 'sherwani' (long over coat) and 'pagri' (turban). What is the wisdom behind this? – 15:40 secs.
- Question asked to Huzoor Aqdas (aba) that "since you do so many question answer sessions and have been doing them for some time now, how are you able to retain so much information?" Very humble answer followed from Huzoor Aqdas (aba) – 17:00 secs.
- Ariz Ahmad from South Virginia asked: “Where is paradise?” Huzoor Aqdas (aba) said: Allah says: “that this world is also a paradise for the Believer” – 19:00 secs.
- Rehman Sajed from Northern Virginia Jama’at asked Huzoor Aqdas (aba) why did the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say to the Angel not to inflict punishment on the people of Taif on account of how cruel they treated him? Huzoor Aqdas (aba) said the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Wait, I hope if these people do not accept me, the progeny of these people will accept me.” And that was an indication of the Holy Prophet’s (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) mercy as Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an, that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is the Mercy for the whole of mankind. Huzoor Aqdas (aba) further elaborated that indeed "...the progeny of these people of Taif did accept Islam and became Muslims:" – 21:30 secs.
- Sadr Sahib then spoke and Huzoor Aqdas (aba) said that those who wanted to ask questions but were unable to do so, can write them to Huzoor Aqdas (aba) – 23:30 secs.
- In his Friday Sermon, Huzoor Aqdas (aba) spoke on the life and character of Hazrat Usman (ra). After Jumuah, Huzoor Aqdas (aba) launched a new Chinese language website devoted to the teachings of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and elaborated on some of its features – 24:30 sec.
Discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 9 April 2021)
- Huzoor Aqdas presided over a virtual meeting with the Lajna Indonesia National Amila on Saturday 3 April 2021. A video presentation on the activities of Lajna Indonesia was shown after which individual secretaries introduced themselves and sought Huzoor’s guidance on their respective departments – 50 secs.
- Nisar Ahmania, the Muavin Sadr for Waqifate Nau introduced herself after which Huzoor Aqdas stressed the importance of Tarbiyat of Waqifate Nau. Huzoor Aqdas said every Waqifate Nau should be regular in offering their five daily prayers, to read the Holy Qur’an daily, to read Indonesian translated books of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) and to listen to Huzoor’s Khutba every week – 75 secs.
- Next to speak was the Naib General Secretary, Isha Noor Ayesha. Huzoor Aqdas said that she should ensure all reports are answered, acknowledged and where deserving, appreciation sent – 2:10 secs.
- “Financial sacrifices for the Jama'at are NOT a form of tax but that it is the duty of every true believer that they should sacrifice for the sake of the Jama’at,” was the response by Huzoor Aqdas on a question seeking guidance on how to increase the number of participants in financial sacrifices. Huzoor Aqdas further stated that the act of sacrificing is ultimately to win the pleasure of Allah and that there are a number of Qur’anic verses that support this. “So, if they sacrifice happily and whole heartedly then Allah will reward them,” said Huzoor Aqdas – 3:05 secs.
- How do we improve members’ interest in reading the books of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him)? Huzoor Aqdas said you should pick some passages on different subjects from the books of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) which are related to women and for day-to-day life issues to attract an interest for the Lajna and Nasirat as well. This approach is better than just telling them to read a whole book. “Once an interest is established you will get them reading other books as well,” said Huzoor Aqdas – 5:15 secs.
- A questioner raised concerns that Tabligh training has been organised for 800 members, but some are not confident for this task and sought advice from His Holiness. Huzoor Aqdas said that you first need to train and build confidence and establish a syllabus to answer even basic questions at the very least. “Confidence can only be created and developed by training.” Huzoor Aqdas elaborated further on this – 6:25 secs.
- Start of virtual mulaqat held with 570 Arab Muslims living in Germany which included old and recent converts – 8:55 secs.
- The Dept of Tabligh Arabic Desk reported there are over 400 Arab Ahmadis in Germany and the Arabic desk is engaging with them to become active members of their local Jama’ats. The speaker then went on to report various statistics from online activities and the number of Arab Bai’ats so far this year. Each of the 57 Arab Ahmadi Muslims present in the meeting also had the opportunity to briefly introduce themselves to Huzoor. A few are mentioned below – 9:10 secs.
- Mohammad Waleed took the Ba’iat in 2019 and Huzoor Aqdas asked him why he did so and has he experienced any change in himself or did his family notice any change? – 10:55 secs.
- Akram Salman and his twin brother Muhammad performed Bai’at in 2014. Akram runs the German website and works extensively in Tabligh activities. Huzoor Aqdas said he always notices them both during his travels to Germany. Such is the observation and memory of Huzoor Aqdas of Jama’at members that he commented about Akram; “He did not have a beard previously but now he has a beard!.” – 11.58 secs.
- “He is truly following the teaching of the Holy Qur’an, which states that one should start doing Tabligh to their close relatives first,” said Huzoor Aqdas after hearing the next speaker who did Bai’at two and a half years ago. The speaker said after conducting extensive research of Ahmadiyyat, he engages regularly in tabligh and conveyed the message of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) to all of his close relatives and friends. This, he said resulted in his wife, brother, parents and other relatives who reside in Syria to also join Ahmadiyyat – 12:50 secs.
- Another Arab convert, Mahir Sabbagh Sahib mentioned that two of his elder sons had accepted Ahmadiyyat but his wife has not accepted as yet. Huzoor Aqdas then said: “Always display good morals before your wife as well and treat her with love and she will become an Ahmadi as well.” – 13:50 secs.
- Abdur Rahman Shafi Sahib then spoke who Huzoor Aqdas instantly recognised as being one of the older Ahmadi converts who converted to Ahmadiyya 30 years ago. Shafi Sahib requested Huzoor Aqdas for prayers that may Allah increase him in faith – 14:25 secs.
- Huzoor remembered and identified the next speaker who was Abdur Rahman Badr Sahib who requested prayers for the Ahmadis in Yemen – 14:53 secs.
- “Odeh Sahib, how are you?” was Huzoor's greeting to the next speaker as he stood up and then asked Odeh Sahib what he was up to nowadays – 15:25 secs.
- Abid Lillah Ahmad al-Aqil from Damascus, Syria was asked by Huzoor Aqdas why he did Bai’at to which he replied that he first heard about the Community 12 years ago in Syria and took Bai’at when he arrived Germany – 15:50 secs.
- Arab convert speaker, Luayy Sulaiman from Homs, Syria who did the Bai’at in 2010 responded in the affirmative when asked from Huzoor Aqdas if his wife and children had also become Ahmadis – 16:25 secs.
- Huzoor Aqdas asked Muhammad Hamoud Sahib, who only took the Bai’at on the day of this mulaqat why he did so? Muhammad replied he was greatly impressed by the good morals of Ahmadis and researched the Jama’at through their online Facebook and YouTube presence. Huzoor then made an important point that if at a later stage, ones sees the ill-morals of any Ahmadi, then he should not think Ahmadiyyat is false but that he “…ought to have full conviction and belief that the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) was the same Messiah and Mahdi whose advent was prophesied by the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)”. Huzoor detailed more and concluded by stating: “Essentially the teachings of Ahmadiyyat are the teachings of true Islam and everyone ought to adhere to them irrespective of whether they are a new Ahmadi or an Ahmadi by birth.” – 16:55 secs.
- Brief report on the Friday Sermon where Huzoor Aqdas concluded his series of sermons about Hazrat Uthman(ra). After the Jumuah prayer, Huzoor Aqdas launched the first version of a new Holy Qur’an search website – – prepared by the Alislam team. “One can research any chapter, verse, word or subject-matter in Arabic, English and Urdu through its latest search engine,” said Huzoor before elaborating further on the web site’s extensive and unique features. Huzoor Aqdas also announced the new app ‘’. Huzoor concluded by saying: “May Allah the Almighty enable this project to become means of spreading the beautiful teachings of the Holy Qur’an across the whole world and may the members of the Jama’at also derive full benefit from it.” – 19:25 secs.
Aspects discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 16 April 2021)
- On 10th April the Khuddamul Ahmadiyya National Amila of India had the honour of a virtual meeting with His Holiness. Each office-bearer introduced themselves to Huzoor Aqdas – (50 secs).
- The Motamin was one of the first spoke to and Huzoor Aqdas advised that a proper plan for the Qaideen should be made to make them more active, reports must be submitted regularly and gave general guidelines – (52 secs).
- Maulana Muhammad Mansoor (the Motamim Tajneed) was told by Huzoor Aqdas that despite Covid restrictions, there is no reason why grassroot information cannot be obtained on the Tajneed from every local Majalis as various recording methods can be used. Huzoor expounded on this in detail and mentioned the importance of the collection of appropriate data especially at the beginning of the year in order to make proper plans for the way forward – (2:30 secs)
- The Tarbiyyat Motamin, Mubashar Ahmad Khadim was asked by Huzoor Aqdas that out of 973 Majalis, how many he was in contact with on a personal level. Huzoor Aqdas said: “India is a vast country and people of different areas have their own psyche and their own issues and they have their own culture,” and therefore varying issues need to be targeted and addressed. “The pledge to give precedence to one’s faith over worldly matters should be made into a motto.” Huzoor then elaborated on this point further – (6:00 secs).
- Additional Motamin Tarbiyyat for Rishta Nata was told by Huzoor Aqdas the importance of giving precedence to faith when it comes to marriage. Huzoor elaborated on this further – (8:50 secs).
- Mash’Allah” was Huzoor’s reply when Farhat Ahmad Malkana (Tarbiyyat New Converts) gave the answer of 1810 converts when asked how many new converts in the last 3 years. Huzoor Aqdas then went to enquire about their Tarbiyyati plans and stressed the importance of feedback from the converts – (9:45 secs).
- “Huzoor, in the past year we tried to organise food drives, homeopathic camps and clothes drive,” was the answer Motamin Khidmat-e-Khalq (a dental surgeon) gave when asked about his department. Huzoor then asked in detail about the dental work the Motamin is involved with – (12:20 secs).
- Huzoor Aqdas remarked to the Motamin Muqami Sahib, that “…the level of Tarbiyyat of the Khuddam and Atfal of Qadian should be of a much higher level and of an exemplary standard as compared to the rest.” “The Majlis of Qadian should be a model for others.” Huzoor Aqdas elaborated further on this – (14:15 secs).
- Naveed Ahmad Fazl Sahib (Mohtamim Amoomi) briefed Huzoor Aqdas on the security that takes place and Huzoor Aqdas advised on this issue. Huzoor Aqdas concluded by saying: “…keep a general observation of the conditions and also of the mosques as well as the general condition and atmosphere of Qadian." – (15:30 secs).
- Huzoor then gave some concluding remarks to Sadr Sahib – (17:55 secs).
- The next virtual meeting took place on 11 April 2021 with the National Amila of India. Again individual Office Bearers introduced themselves – (18:45 secs).
- Huzoor Aqdas encouraged the practice of cycling for the Safe Dome of Majlis Amila Ansar saying it is better for the environment than using motor cycles and rickshaws. Huzoor Aqdas said cycling is part of the programme of the second group of Ansar members (Safe Dome) and this “…has been included since the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III(ru).” – (18:58 secs).
- Huzoor Aqdas outlined to Shamsuddin (Qaid Tarbiyyat), a detailed programme for Tarbiyyat with emphasis on prayer and congregational prayer at home during Covid restrictions. He said: “It is the duty of the members of Ansarullah that they oversee the affairs of their own homes.” – (20:25 secs).
- Huzoor Aqdas gave guidance to the Secretary Nau-Maubaeen on how to prepare a varied programme for people of different faith backgrounds who have joined the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – (21:55 secs).
- “Huzoor we have beaten them once!,” was the reply given by Nasir Waheed (Zahanat-o-Seht-Jismani Dept) when Huzoor Aqdas said they should organise a cricket match between Ansar and Khuddam. However, Huzoor Aqdas detected a little flaw in their success and jokingly mentioned it! – (23:17 secs).
- Huzoor Aqdas gave some concluding remarks by saying that you should always contemplate yourselves and find new pathways on methods of work. “Do brainstorms and make use of your intelligence,” said Huzoor Aqdas – (24:00 secs).
- Brief summary of the Friday sermon where Huzoor Aqdas spoke about prayers with particular reference to the holy month of Ramadan. “Pray for your fellow brothers as well… whether they are living in Pakistan, Algeria or anywhere else in the world and are being made to ensure hardships owing to their belief in Ahmadiyyat.” – (25:00 secs).
Discussed in the above meetings - (click on time link – 23 April 2021)
- The meeting with Jamia Ahmadiyya Qadian class started with a poem recitation together with a video of Qadian – (50 secs).
- General report on Jamia Qaidan where the Principal presented a report of their activities of and highlighted that currently there are 238 students and 25 teachers serving at the institute – (4:05 min).
- A Q/A then followed and the first question asked was since Huzoor's last visit in 2005, there have been a number of improvements and changes. Huzoor Aqdas immediately anticipated very happily this was leading to the question when will he next visit: Huzoor said: “... whenever Allah the Almighty creates the opportunity, God willing I will come.” – (4:45 secs).
- Saeed Malkana Sahib asked that every Ahmadi has a heartfelt desire to have a personal connection with the Khalifa and for the Khalifa to know them personally. How can he fulfil this desire of his? Huzoor said: “Place a photo of yours in the corner of your letter and that way I will know that you have written the letter and I will start to recognise you. There are many astute students of the different Jamias who already do this and so over time I begin to recognise them personally.”
Huzoor further stated: “The real connection and bond with Khilafat is established by acting upon the directives and the initiatives of the Caliph of the time and persuading others to do so and so you should pray to attain this true spiritual connection.” Huzoor elaborated even further – (5:55 secs). - A questioner asked Huzoor how they can effectively perform Tabligh with limited resources to some villages where many people work in the fields. Huzoor, basing on his expertise in the area of agriculture, said that different seasons allows for crops in different places so missionaries should target their efforts for people working outside of these months – “There is no excuse therefore to say that the farmers are always busy.” Huzoor then gave a detailed answer and added two wonderful personal incidents of preaching from the time when he was a student – (7:46 secs).
- “Huzoor, have you ever faced any difficulty in your life which caused you great concern and how did you overcome this?” - Huzoor related his days as a student when examinations were his worry but praying before God removed this concern. “Certainly, prayers and charity (Sadqa) are the best means to eradicate one’s troubles – this is what we have been taught by Islam and this is what I have practiced whenever any hardship has arisen.” – (14:50 secs).
- Question was asked how does Huzoor Aqdas manage all the influx of mail that he receives every day? Huzoor gave a detailed and an enlightening reply – (16:25 secs).
- "Huzoor, how can we derive pleasure in Salat and develop a true yearning and anguish in our prayers?” – Huzoor Aqdas gave a detailed answer and started by saying: “The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) has made a generic point that if you are not attaining the pleasure in the prayers, you should pretend to be in great anguish and make a face as such.” Huzoor Aqdas further elaborated – (18:10 secs).
- Question was asked that: “This is our final year in Jamia Ahmadiyya and after graduating how should we begin our work in educating and imparting moral training to others? Huzoor Aqdas said pray that: “Wherever Allah the Almighty is sending me into the field, may I truly fulfil the pledge I have made of dedicating my life and presenting myself as a missionary. May Allah enable me to fulfil that pledge in the best way." Huzoor Aqdas elaborated on this and on the issue of how to resolve conflicts and the position of a missionary he advised missionaries to:
- Have a personal connection with every household where they are are posted.
- Visit people often and be friends with everyone and establish trust and confidence.
- Keep secrets totally confidential
Huzoor elaborated further - please watch segment – (21:30 secs). - Another meeting took place with Khuddam Office Bearers from Indonesia. Most of this involved individual introductions with office-bearers seeking guidance of Huzoor for their respective departments – (26:22 secs).
- Huzoor advised the Khidmate-e-Khalq Secretary to increase service for humanity in Indonesia and worldwide – (26:37 secs).
- Huzoor discussed a nationwide plan with the Motamin Atfal and said they should try and establish a Majalis in each and every Island (there are 3,000 of them!). Inshallah may Huzoor's blessed instructions enable this to happen soon – (27:40 secs).
- Huzoor asked about Indonesian Khuddam publications and said they should start a magazine by the name of ‘Tariq’ – (27:27 secs).
- Huzoor asked the translator what he does and where did he learn English from – (29:46 secs).
- A clip of the Friday Sermon as Huzoor continued his series on the Companions at the Battle of Badr and spoke about Hazrat Umar(ra) – (30:44 secs).
Watch the full Friday Sermon by clicking here.
Discussed in the above meetings - (PLEASE NOTE): These do not represent the full answers given by Huzoor. You are encouraged to watch the full video sequence of each question. Bold italic quotes are from Huzoor Aqdas.
(click on time link – 30 April 2021)
(click on time link – 30 April 2021)
- (50 secs): Huzoor Aqdas presided over 135 Atfal between the ages of 13-15 where Atfal from the South of the UK gathered at Baitul Futuh Mosque for a virtual meeting. Short presentations and a video started the event. Following this a Q/A session was held.
- (2:07 mins) – What books of the Promised Messiah (Peace be upon him) should one read first?
‘Noah’s Ark’ and ‘The Philosophy of Divine Revelation’ are easy to read books for the younger generation to understand. Huzoor also advised that on points of their personal interest, youngsters should read short passages from the books of the Promised Messiah (as) by referring to the contents listing. Also the ‘Essence of Islam’ 5-volume set is ideal to read which has various passages of many subjects from the writings of the Promised Messiah (as). - (4:27 mins) - What happens in Laylatur Qadr (the Night of Decree)?
Huzoor said there is one special night within the last 10 days of Ramadan in which Allah Almighty accepts all s person's prayers with the proviso that one must be a true believer and follow all the commandments of Allah Almighty. Huzoor commented that the Holy Prophet (saw) said this special night should be sought in odd days of the last 10 nights. - (6:55 mins) – How did Huzoor Aqdas learn the Qur’an?
In his reply, Huzoor said: “Atfal of the age of 13 and above and Khuddamul Ahmadiyya as well, should also try and memorise the first 17 verses of Surah Baqara,” and they should try and understand the meaning of those verses to protect and better themselves. Huzoor also related his childhood days at a Jama’at school in Rabwah where they learnt to memorise verses of the Holy Qur’an and as an Atfal engaged in competitions in Tilawat and Hifze Qur’an. Huzoor also mentioned the various options available today to students. - (9:14 mins) – What is Huzoor's favourite memory from his time in Rabwah?
Huzoor said it was once a wonderful peaceful city but not now. “There are quite a number of good memories and which if I start, it will take some time and even what to pick is very much difficult for me.” - (11:02 mins) – Are all sins forgiven?
“Allah knows better. We cannot decide if that a person will be forgiven or not.” Huzoor then related the story of two men where a pious person told another considerably less pious person he will go to hell. When both men coincidently died at the same time who went to heaven and who to hell? Listen to the answer by Huzoor. “Our duty is that we should try to follow the commandments of Allah Almighty and don’t at the same time try Allah Almighty.” - (15:12 mins) – Another UK Atfal class was held on 25 April 2021 with Atfal from Birmingham, North of the UK. After Tilawat, Hadith and Qaseedah, members of Atfal were given the chance to ask questions to Huzoor Aqdas.
- (15:25 mins) – The first question was from a boy whose parents and family had just accepted Ahmadiyya from a Sunni background and asked Huzoor Aqdas what advice he would give to new Ahmadis around the world.
Huzoor gave a detailed answer saying existing common beliefs amongst Muslims lead to acceptance of Ahmadiyyat and by accepting “..the prophecy of the Holy Prophet (saw) about the advent of the Promised Messiah (as) has been fulfilled and you are obeying the commandment of the Holy Prophet (saw) that whenever my Mahdi appears you accept him.” Huzoor elaborated further on his advice of being a true Muslim and stated in modern times, the literature of the Promised Messiah (as) is the best “... through which we can comprehend much better religious knowledge.” - (20:47 mins) – Interesting question asked to Huzoor if virtual mulaqats will continue after restrictions have been lifted in the UK?
Huzoor replied that they may continue with countries he seldoms visits. He stated that new avenues have now been opened for these mulaqats which can be utilised later. - (22:15 mins) – Adeel Ahmad Farooqui, aged 13 years, asked Huzoor what should a daily routine for a Tifl [male under 15 years] be?
Huzoor said a Tifl aged between 7-10 should try and regulate his life by offering daily prayers which become obligatory when at the age of 10. Huzoor then gave a comprehensive example of a day worked around the five prayers of the day. Huzoor concluded by quoting “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise!” - a quote by Benjamin Franklin (one of the founding fathers of the USA). - (26:01 mins) – How can I be more confident?
Huzoor asked him some questions about his status in studies and reassured him that he need not be worried and elaborated by saying that he should perform the five daily prayers and seek Allah Almighty’s assistance to achieve greater confidence and to become a positive asset for the Jama’at and for humanity. Huzoor further gave advice how to overcome shyness in public speaking. - (28:09 mins) – Every single week, Huzoor delivers for at least an hour, a comprehensive and detailed Friday Sermon. This is not an easy task but a blessed responsibility that benefits all who listen. A question was asked to Huzoor how much time he spends preparing these Sermons.
“It depends on the topics,” said Huzoor. “Sometimes it takes me 20 hours, 30 hours, 4 days, 5 days, sometimes it takes me 2-3 hours.” - (29:43 mins) – Brief report of the Friday Sermon of 30 April 2021 where Huzoor spoke extensively on prayer with reference to the final 10 days of Ramadan. Huzoor said to attain the pleasure of Allah Almighty and be saved from the hellfire, in these last few days of Ramadan: “...we must pay attention towards performing our worship in the most excellent manner, invoking salutations on the Holy Prophet (saw), seeking forgiveness from Allah the Almighty and repentance, offering prayers, fulfilling the rights due to Allah the Almighty’s worship and also fulfilling the rights owed to mankind.”
Matters discussed in the above meetings below - (PLEASE NOTE): These do not represent the full answers given by Huzoor Aqdas. You are encouraged to watch the full video sequence of each question. Bold italic quotes are from Huzoor Aqdas.
(click on time link – 7 May 2021)
(click on time link – 7 May 2021)
- (55 secs): Huzoor Aqdas presided over a virtual class of Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya from the North and Midlands of the UK on Saturday 1 May, 2021. Following Tilawat and presentations, a Question and Answer session took place which we have summarised below:
- (1:17 mins) – Does Huzoor think that the UK is over the Covid crisis or if there will be another lockdown?
Huzoor said even though the government may be confident with considerably lower infections rates and mass vaccinations that have taken place, nobody knows for sure as new variants are being discovered which can create further havoc. This may result in the government forcing a further lockdown. - (3:03 mins) – Is being a Khalifa of the time a difficult responsibility and what is the most challenging aspect?
“The work of the Khalifa is always challenging.” said Huzoor, because whatever is being done, you are always answerable directly to Allah Almighty. Every moment should make you God-fearing. - (3:57 mins) – What were the different ways that Huzoor did Tarbiyyat for his children and how did Huzoor discipline them?
Huzoor started by saying: “ children’s mother played a vital role in training them instead of myself.” Huzoor then gave general guidelines and said the father should set an example towards the children by himself offering the 5 daily prayers. Also when reading the Holy Qur’an daily, children will also follow this practice. The environment inside the house also plays an important role and marital harmony will have a positive effect on children. Huzoor said smilingly to the young Atfal: “When you become a father, you should try and follow these instructions.” - (5:28 mins) – What are the characteristics and qualities an exemplary Tifl should have and how best can I serve Huzoor and the Jama’at in the future?
“A exemplary Tifl should be very regular and punctual in offering five daily prayers,” which Huzoor emphasised is obligatory after the age of 10 and where possible in congregation. Huzoor also mentioned others aspects like the daily recitation of the Holy Qur’an, to be morally sound, and well-behaved especially in front of one's peers. And also to be always obedient to your parents as they think only of your betterment. Huzoor expanded further on this that on becoming the "perfect Tifl" which will naturally lead on to the best way to serve Huzoor and the Jama’at. - (9:26 mins) – “... meaning that sects are forbidden. So why is Ahmadiyya a sect?"
This question was asked after the questioner referenced Ch.6:V.160 of the Holy Qur’an which states: “As for those who split up their religion and become divided into sects, thou hast no concern at all for them. Surely their case will come before Allah then will He inform them of what they used to do”.
Huzoor said: “...the Ahmadiyya sect was established according to the prophecy of the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophet (pbuh) – this is why we cannot say that Jama’at Ahmadiyya is the same sect as the other sects in Islam as they were developed because of the deviation in their schools of thought.”
Huzoor further remarked: “ was the prophecy of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) that in the latter days, my Ummah will be divided into 72 sects and that each sect will think they are on the right path.” There are some sects that are following the Qur’an but not the Hadiths or some that give preference to Hadiths etc. Huzoor then stated that Holy Prophet (pbuh) said when this happens, a Reformer will come who will follow my true teachings and will guide you [Muslims]. This person, said the Holy Prophet (pbuh) will be called the Messiah and Mahdi and Ahmadi Muslims believe this Messiah to be Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as).
Huzoor elaborated and said the Promised Messiah (as), in accordance of the above mentioned prophecy, was to come to bring the sects together to form one sect and that is Jama’at Ahmadiyya.
- (15:27 mins) – How does Huzoor spend his time during Eid day?
Preparing the Khutba for Eid is the first thing Huzoor does. After the Eid prayer, Huzoor returns home to his family and then makes and receives calls from friends and relatives. Following a family lunch, Huzoor then resumes his normal working practice and stated that overall this day is not much difference with other days! May Allah bless Huzoor with a blessed, healthy and long life! - (16:49 mins) – Hindus pray to idols to answer their prayers. In islam, it is said unless you send Durood to the Holy Prophet (pbuh), then your prayers remain in the sky and Allah will not accept it. How are these two different concepts?
Huzoor said Hindus have made various gods for different things and they believe their prayers are only heard when they pray to through these idols. But with Durood Shareef, Allah Almighty says that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is most loved by Him and he has brought to you the final Shariah and this is a blessing from Allah Almighty.
This is why Allah Almighty says pray to Me and be grateful to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) that he has brought you such a religion and the best way to do this is by reciting Durood Shareef.
Huzoor says that his Sermon of 30 April 2020 should be listened to again regarding Durood. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) was not a supernatural being but a human like everyone else. In Hinduism, idol-worshippers think their man-made creations convey the message of their prayers but in Islam the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is not considered as the means and source of conveying your message but it is because of God’s love of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) that one should recite Durood. It was quite a detailed answer which should be listened to in its entirety.
- (23:50 mins) – Programme ends with a clip of the Friday Sermon of 7th May 2021.
Huzoor continued his discourse on the life of Hazrat Umar (ra). For the final part of the Sermon, Huzoor emphasised the importance of prayer and to maintain good habits after this month of Ramadan. Also Huzoor said:
•. “ ...with regards to the Coronavirus pandemic, which has engulfed the entire world, I would like to draw your attention to pray especially in order to remain protected from it and also to beseech the mercy of Allah the Almighty.
•. Furthermore, pray especially for Ahmadis residing in such countries which continue to oppose Ahmadiyyat and have made life difficult [for Ahmadis]. May Allah create ease for those Ahmadis.
•. Pray for the Muslim Ummah in general; they are ruining themselves in this life and in the hereafter by rejecting the Imam of the Age and are heading towards a detrimental path. May Allah the Almighty protect them.
•. Pray for humanity at large. May Allah guide them to the right path and may they be saved from incurring the displeasure of Allah.
•. Nonetheless, it is our responsibility to pray and to continue to pray with prayers during Ramadan as well as after Ramadan. May Allah the Almighty enable everyone to do so."
Discussed in the above meetings - (PLEASE NOTE): These do not represent the full answers given by Huzoor. You are encouraged to watch the full video sequence of each question. Bold italic quotes are from Huzoor Aqdas.
(click on time link – 28 April 2021)
(click on time link – 28 April 2021)
- (1:22 secs) – A question was asked to Huzoor about what the Jama’at was able to do against the wrongs regarding the Israel and Palestine situation.
Huzoor said: “We don't have any worldly power, we are not running or ruling any country, so with regards to power we cannot use it.” Huzoor went on to say the Jama’at is voicing its concerns by word of mouth. Huzoor also referred to his recent Eid Sermon where he spoke about the injustices and cruelty committed against the Palestinians stating there is no balance of power with Israel being the 4th superpower of the world and the Palestinians being a small resourceless people. What the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is doing within their reach, is voicing concerns with their contacts of politicians and world leaders. This stance of the Jama’at, said Huzoor, is not only being used with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but other instances where injustices are taking place. - (4:14 mins) – The next question was about the lack of unity in Muslims countries – “Unification is power,” but are Muslim leaders doing anything to unite themselves rather than serving self-interests?
Huzoor said Muslims states are not united and consider their own vested various interests to maintain power and position instead of considering the unity of the Muslim Ummah. Huzoor said the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said in the latter days this will happen when Muslims will not be united and would have forgotten the teachings of Islam. This will be the time when a Reformer of the Age should be followed as he came to revive the true teachings of Islam. Huzoor mentioned that the organisation of Islamic countries in itself has failed in uniting together Muslim countries and does not speak with one voice and the only solution to establish unity is to accept the Reformer of the Age. - (7:50 mins) – We are witnessing a lot of global injustices against Muslims. As leader of the Jama’at, what does Huzoor think has triggered all these occurrences.
Huzoor said he already mentioned that [Muslim] leadership is not sincere with their objectives and have their own vested interests and stated that although Israel has recently killed over 200 Palestinians, also look at what Saudi Arabia have done against the Yemenis where 1000’s of people have been killed and displaced. Then look at the worsening situation in Syria and Iraq. If the Muslim world is not united and killing each other, how can Muslims consider they can maintain peace in the world. Huzoor said our opponents are aware of this lack of unity amongst Muslims nations and this is the cause of the atrocities being committed. Huzoor concluded by saying that as a unified force of one, there is no power who would dare to fight against Muslims. - (10:04 mins) – A Question was asked that in this advanced age of technological advancement and awareness, why is it still difficult to achieve peace and unity?
Huzoor said it was not a matter just for this generation only as we have been witnessing disturbances around the world for decades. It is a pity, said Huzoor that though we think we are more advanced than previous generations, the world is still trying to usurp each others rights without feeling any shame. Huzoor said though we have advanced technologically and materialistically, our greed has also increased and so has our frustration about not having what others have which has resulted in trying to snatch other peoples’ assets and property by whatever means even through fear.
Huzoor cited the example where millions of monies have been paid to some major countries by African and Asian governments to help develop their countries and yet we still see poverty rampant today in their countries. “So although we say that technology has advanced, that advancement has brought us together and at the same time, it has created enmity with each other.”
Huzoor once again reiterated that the “Reformer of the age came to unite the whole of mankind on one hand and until and unless people, whether its the people of the rich or poor countries, realise the rights of each other and realise the rights they owe their Creator, there can never be peace in society or in the world.” - (14:42 mins) – What proof is there from the Holy Qur’an that Islam is the only true religion and what attributes do all the prophets have in common including the Promised Messiah (as)?
Huzoor started by saying that the Holy Qur’an says that all religions and prophets sent by Allah Almighty were His true prophets and all the teachings of such previous prophets have be gathered in the Holy Qur’an. Huzoor continued by saying that all these previous prophets had always said they came for their own people – a fact mentioned also in the Bible. However, the Holy Qur’an states that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was sent for the whole of mankind and his message is now complete – none of the previous ever made this claim including Jesus (as).
The common attribute of all the prophets were they were all true followers of Allah Almighty (God) and conveyed His Unity and Omnipotence and He alone was to be worshipped. This was also the message of the Promised Messiah (as).
- (17:51 mins) – How can be we purify our hearts and strength in our faith to have the love and spiritual connection with Allah Almighty?
“The best way is to pray to Allah Almighty that He purifies you heart,” said Huzoor. Allah Almighty has shown us the ways from prayers in the Holy Qur’an and by doing ‘Istighfar’ which is the best way to not only purify the heart, but to free oneself from previous sins and preventing from committing them again. Also, true Muslims should offer the five daily prayers to seek Allah’s guidance and then one will then see a change in themselves if they are offered with full fervour, sincerity and concentration. Huzoor continued by saying that all this should also be accompanied with the recitation of Durood (invocations upon the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). - (20:11 mins) – On 23 May 2021, a Mulaqat took place in the Gambia where Huzoor presided over a virtual meeting with Khuddam Office bearers. Much of the Mulaqat involved members introducing themselves and some questions were asked.
Huzoor asked the Motamim Tarbiyyat details about what Tarbiyyat programme plan he had given to the Majalis over the past 6 months. Huzoor said it is only possible for them to give detailed answers if they had data prepared and such an approach to gather this information should be implemented and results accessed. Huzoor further stated his programmes [on MTA] should be listened to, together with instructions given to their Khuddam which will be enough guidance for them to follow. Huzoor ended with “If the Tarbiyyat department is active, then all the oher departments will be active and you will see a big change among your Khuddam.” - (23:51 mins) – The Motamin Tulaba was asked by Huzoor if he was studying or teaching to which he replied that he has completed his studies and is working with a German development agency. Huzoor then enquired about the subjects being studied in university by the Khuddam students and said he should encourage more members to study in the field of medicine, science and research.
- (24:53 mins) – The Motamin Waqare-e-Amal was asked by Huzoor what was their latest Waqar-e-Amal to which he replied it was last performed this morning setting the chairs for this Mulaqat. “That is not Waqar-e-Amal!” Huzoor humorously replied to sounds of laughter amongst the audience! The Motamin redeemed himself well by saying that Waqar-e-Amal did take place recently at a major government hospital where the entire premises were cleaned.
- (26:13 mins) – Huzoor then told Khuddam Sadr Sahib to try and give comments on reports and acknowledge letters by various Majalis and remind those not sending in regular reports to do so very month.
- (26:53 mins) – Question was asked that if a Amila meeting is taking place and the time for prayers has approached, should the meeting be stopped for prayers or continue with the meeting with prayers to follow.
Huzoor advised that they should stop the meeting and join in congregational prayer. - (27:23 mins) – Question was asked on how best we can use Facebook and other social media outlets for tabligh purposes?
Huzoor said we should use convincing quotes and sections from the Holy Qur’an, Hadiths, the Promised Messiah (as) and the Khulafa. Huzoor also advised that at all times, the moral protocols of social media should be adhered to and one should not engage or react with anyone using foul and abusive language. - (29:23 mins) – Brief summary of the Friday Sermon of 28 May 2021
Huzoor spoke extensively on the history of Khalifatul Ahmadiyya. A brief quote of the present era and its blessings mentioned by Huzoor is presented below:
• “In accordance of the Divine Decree, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (ru) passed away in April 2003. Once again, this news shocked the Jama’at and the enemy, in their estimation thought that this was the perfect opportunity to now bring an end to the Jama’at. However, in accordance to the promised vouchsafed by Allah the Almighty to the Promised Messiah (as), He once again granted His support to the Jama’at and did it in such a manner that even the opposing Maulvis acknowledged that despite them not considering us to be truthful, the practical manifestation of God’s succour was with the Jama’at and they were a witness to this. Today, the opponents look towards the success of the Jama’at with great envy even more than before."
• "The introduction of the Jama’at and its global recognition in this era has happened in an extra ordinary manner; among every section of society and at every level. This is being done in an extraordinary manner."
• "I am an extremely weak person and this success is not owing to any excellence on my part. The Ahmadiyya Community is being introduced to the leaders of the various governments of the world and in their parliaments purely owing to the grace of Allah the Almighty and in accordance to His promises vouchsafed to the Promised Messiah (as). This is happening in fulfilment of the prophecies of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Then, Allah the Almighty has taught us a new approach of how one can strengthen their bond with Khilafat which is through online or virtual meetings. Through this means, various meetings are taking place and direct communication has been established with the Jama’ats and members are able to seek direct guidance from the Khalifa of the time."
• "While residing here in London, I am meeting people in countries in Africa or Indonesia, Australia, USA, etc . All these are signs of Allah the Almighty’s support which we are witnessing. InshAllah, this success is destined to happen. However, may Allah the Almighty always enable us to remain steadfast."
• "May Allah the Almighty enable us to witness for ourselves the signs of the complete successes of the Community."
• "May Allah the Almighty enable us to fulfil the pledges we have made so that we can witness the fulfilment of Allah Almighty’s promises in our very lives."
• "May we develop a true understanding of the institution of Khilafat and teach this to our progenies as well, so that our future progenies continue to benefit from these blessings until the Day of Judgement."
- Virtual meeting held with members of The Gambia Khuddamul Ahmadiyya.
- Virtual meeting held with members of The Gambia Atfal Ahmadiyya.
- Summary of the Friday Sermon of 4th June 2021.
- Additional questions not in programme (listed below after Friday Sermon).
Discussed in the above meetings - (PLEASE NOTE): These do not represent the full answers given by Huzoor. You are encouraged to watch the full video sequence of each question. Bold italic quotes are from Huzoor Aqdas.
(click on time link – 4th June 2021)
(click on time link – 4th June 2021)
(46 secs) – On 29th May 2021, members of the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya of The Gambia had a virtual meeting with His Holiness. During the meeting, various questions were asked to Huzoor (aba) and below are just part of the answers.
29 May 2021
- (2:39 mins): How can we serve the Jama’at and our country in the best possible way?
Huzoor (aba) said: “You are called Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya – ‘Servants of Allah’ – and the best possible way is to be sincere and honest with your work and if assigned any duty, always be ready to discharge that duty to serve the Jama’at.”
With regards to serving the country, Huzoor (aba) said: “People should know that he is a person who is hard-working and honest and sincere with his work; he is sincere with the country; he loves the country. And, as we say, that love of the country is part of your faith, if you have this in mind, then you will serve your country as an essential part of your faith.” Overall, Huzoor (aba) said be be sincere, honest with your work; whether you are serving the country or the Jama’at. - (4:30 mins) – Bawa Saware Sahib asked Huzoor (aba) what can Africa could do to be self-sufficient and achieve development.
Huzoor (aba) replied: “...the first thing is that you should give more emphasis on education. Your literacy rate should be very high. It should not be that every student gets primary education, but the target of the African governments should be that every person of their country – whether it is a girl or boy, man or woman, should be highly educated.” Huzoor (aba) went on to say that big targets need to be set “ that when you fix big targets, you will work hard to achieve them.”
Huzoor (aba) emphasised again to be honest and sincere in your work and elaborated further on this which can be listened to by clicking on the link. - (7:45 mins) – Ibrahim Ajan Sahib asked Huzoor (aba) what benefits he got from the virtual mulaqats.
Huzoor (aba) said smilingly: “You should tell me! This should be my question, not yours.” Ibrahim Sahib replied: “Yes, I am getting benefits because I have followed some of the previous mulaqats on YouTube and I have heard some of the answers you gave to the questions that were asked and the advice you gave.” Huzoor (aba) then remarked light heartening: “And that is helping you?” Ibrahim Sahib responded with a “yes, a lot!”, to which Huzoor (aba) affectionately said: “Then you have answered this question yourself.”
However, Huzoor (aba) further added: “At least one benefit that I get from this virtual mulaqat is that I can see your faces. I can see how strong and staunch the people of the community are in their faith. I can see the love for Khilafat on their faces, as I see on your face. So this is the benefit which I am also getting.” - (09:04 mins) – A Khadim asked Huzoor (aba) for his thoughts about people who were skeptical about taking the Covid-19 vaccine.
Huzoor (aba) said if a vaccine was available in The Gambia, then they should try and take it as there was no harm in receiving it.
- (9:45 mins) – Huzoor (aba) was asked the difference between the Jinn and mankind?
Huzoor (aba) said: “Anything which is hidden, is called jinn,” and even bacteria falls under this. Huzoor (aba) further elaborated and said those big people who claim themselves to be above ordinary people and try to keep themselves distanced also fall under this category. See link for detailed answer. - (12:44 mins) – On Sunday 30th May 2021, members of Majlis Atfal Ahmadiyya of The Gambia had a virtual meeting with Huzoor (aba). Questions were also asked and we produce extracts of these and the answers given by Huzoor (aba).
- (13.00 mins) – What are the ways to establish a meaningful relationship with God
“You can hide yourself from people, but you cannot hide from Allah.” said Huzoor (aba) and stated further that you should remember that Allah is always watching over you and with this mindset, you should avoid the bad things He has forbidden and follow only what He says to do. Huzoor (aba) further remarked that one should offer the five daily obligatory prayers and during the Sajdas (prostrations), pray that may Allah make you strong and staunch in achieving good relations with Him. - (15:10 mins) – A tifl asked who he should please, to please Allah.
Huzoor (aba) said Allah the Almighty says one should invoke Durood upon the Holy Prophet (pbuh), “...then Allah will be happy and He will listen to your prayers. So, Allah says that ‘whatever is written in the Holy Qur’an, these are My commandments; and whatever the Holy Prophet (pbuh) has done, that is his Sunnah. So, if you want to please Me, follow the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet( pbuh).’”
Huzoor (aba) further stated that Allah says: “‘If you want to please Me, then you must accept that reformer as well’, who was the true servant of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and whose advent was foretold in the Holy Qur’an as well.” Then, after accepting the Promised Messiah (as) and his teachings and then after his demise, attaching yourself to Khilafat, you will be united as one strong community which will please Allah. Huzoor elaborated quite extensively on this. - (18:23 mins) – A tifl asked Huzoor (aba) as children, can we celebrate birthdays?
“As Ahmadi children, yes, you can celebrate your birthday in your houses. There is no need to spend money on inviting people on your birthday. You can sit together with your family members and prepare some sweet and enjoy it – some cake, some pastry, make a feast even and enjoy it. But to invite so many people and celebrate it in a lavish way, is not permissible.”
Huzoor (aba) further elaborated by saying we never celebrate the birthday of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) so what is the need to celebrate our own birthday except to enjoy the day with the family at home with some nice food. Huzoor (aba) said that there is no need to invite others but one should instead give some money to charity so that poor people can benefit from your donation.
On a spiritual level, Huzoor (aba) said birthday should be celebrated by offering two Nafl and thanking Allah for His blessings upon you and may He always give strength to yourself to be a good asset for the Jama’at and the nation. - (21:30 mins) – A tifl asked how one can further strengthen and increase his love for Huzoor (aba) and be dedicated to the institution of Khilafat.
Huzoor replied: “...following the commandments of Allah Almighty and following the instructions of the Khalifa of the time. The main thing is that you should love the institution of Khilafat and once you are determined, you will try your level best.”
Huzoor (aba) also said: “Also, follow the instructions given to you by the Khalifa of the time because the Khalifa of the time always gives instructions according to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and according to the further elaborations of those teachings by the Promised Messiah (as).” - (23:20 mins) – A tifl asked Huzoor (aba) which prayer he likes and recites the most
Huzoor (aba) said that there are so many prayers he likes, two of which are mentioned below:
“O Allah, whatever blessing you bestow on me, I am in need of that.” (Surah al-Qasas, Ch.28: V.58)
“My Lord, bestow wisdom on me and join me with the righteous; And give me a true and lasting reputation among posterity.” (Surah al-Shu‘ara, Ch.26: V.84-85)
Huzoor (aba) also mentioned Durood Sharif and Istigfhar as well. “Istighfar is the main thing which a person should recite and I also try to give more emphasis on doing istighfar.” - (25.00 mins) – A 10 year old tifl with younger siblings said: "Beloved Huzoor. I tend to get angry a lot. Could you kindly pray so I don’t get angry?"
Huzoor (aba) said: “You get angry a lot and you want to not become angry. You should be compassionate towards your younger siblings and not be angry with them.” Huzoor (aba) also said he “should recite Istigfhar and you will not become angry and also drink cold water.” - (25:52 min) – A tifl expressed his desire for Huzoor (aba) to visit The Gambia.
Huzoor replied: “Okay then; pray for it; pray that Allah the Almighty enables me to visit the Gambia as early as possible. I also want to visit The Gambia. I don’t know if you are more anxious for me to visit or me to visit.”
Huzoor (aba) affectionately then said: “We should both pray. When Allah accepts our prayers, then I will visit The Gambia, insha-Allah. Then I will see you there personally.” - (26:40 mins) – The meeting concluded by Huzoor (aba) saying: “It was good meeting with your Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya. I don’t know whether they enjoyed it or not, but I enjoyed sitting with them.” Sadr Sahib replied: “Marsh’Allah, we enjoy all the mulaqats we have with you."
- (27:33 mins) – FRIDAY SERMON: Huzoor (aba) continued his series on the Companions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and mentioned about the Treaty of Hudaybiyya and the tremendous sacrifices the Muslims made during the early era of persecution. Please click link for the Friday Sermon in various languages.
29 May 2021
- Muhammad Sharif Sahib asked Huzoor (aba) why Allah refers to himself as “We’ in the Holy Qur’an?
Huzoor (aba) replied: “It is not that Allah the Almighty claims Himself to be plural – He is only One, and the All-Powerful and Omnipotent Allah. But to show His Majesty, He says ‘We’. Huzoor (aba) also said: “There are some points where Allah says ‘I’, it is ‘Me’ Who does this thing, it is ‘Me’ who does that thing. So, in different ways, He tries to show His Majesty...” - How one could keep themselves close to religion and the Jama’at in the current age of materialism?
Huzoor (aba) said the best way is to discharge your duties owed to Allah by praying and remaining strong in your faith. “Once you are strong in your faith and you believe that Allah the Almighty listens to your prayers, hears your prayers, then you should pray to Allah that He saves you from bad things and the materialism of the world."
Huzoor (aba) elaborated further by saying that the commandments in the Holy Qur’an should be followed together with the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Huzoor (aba) mentioned the advice of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) who said: “...that one should not look at and envy those who are better off than them in terms of wealth and materialistic things; rather, they should always look at those who have less than them in terms of worldly riches as this would help them be grateful for the blessings they enjoy." Huzoor (aba) said by listening to this advice; “You will change your preferences; instead of following the materialistic things or the people who are materialistic, you will try to follow those people who are spiritually and morally good..” - How could a person perform Jumuah prayers in an area where there is no Ahmadi mosque?
Huzoor (aba) replied: If there is no other Ahmadi available, then one can offer Zuhr prayer because Allah is aware of their intentions and would ultimately bless them. However, one should not pray behind a person who does not accept the Imam of the Age sent by Allah Almighty. - A Khadim asked Huzoor (aba) how could one prove the existence of the Hereafter
Huzoor (aba) answered this by firstly referring to prophecies fulfilled in the past, present and those yet to be completed and made by prophets especially the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and the Promised Messiah (as). Huzoor (aba) then elaborated by saying: “Our experience shows that whatever the prophets said was true and we have experienced that their prophecies have been fulfilled. One of the things which they told us was that this is not the only life; there is a life in the Hereafter, which is an eternal life and Allah the Almighty will reward those who do good deeds in this world and will punish those people who are not following the commandments of Allah the Almighty.”
Huzoor (aba) went on to say: “There are quite a number of people who have seen in their dreams, or Allah the Almighty has told them in some other way, what life after death is. Sometimes, if your loved ones pass away, people see them in their dream, in Paradise or in good conditions. Some people see their relatives in a bad condition. So that shows that there is life after death.” - A Khadim said that the Holy Qur’an states we should not eat anything on which the name of Allah had not been pronounced. However, most of the food in Africa was imported and sought Huzoor’s advice.
Huzoor (aba) gave his answer by stating the example in Europe where they don’t slaughter any animal in the name of any person, or any god or deity and as such, one “can simply say bismillah and eat it. That is enough.” However, if one is aware that is has been slaughtered in the name of anything but Allah, then it is haram to eat.
- A tifl asked how he should spend his time as a student, the best time to study and how he could be successful in life.
Huzoor (aba) replied that as a student, “... always remember that you have to achieve your target and for that, you will have to work hard.”
With regards to studying, Huzoor (aba) said after returning from school, he should revise immediately what was learnt and where possible, learn about what you might be taught the next day as “you will have a better grasp and comprehension of that subject and you will understand it in a better way.” - Huzoor (aba) was asked how he spent the recent Eid.
Huzoor (aba) smiled and said: “After offering the Eid prayer and delivering my Eid sermon, I came to my office and prepared for my next Friday sermon. Then, after delivering the sermon and offering the Jumuah prayer, I came home, had lunch with my family members and I enjoyed that. And then in the evening, I went round to see the children here in Islamabad, spent time with the people living here, then came back and again started my work in the office. This is how I spent my Eid.” - A tifl asked that out of 124,000 prophets, why is it that only 25 were mentioned are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.
Huzoor (aba) first said the Holy Qur’an says: "We have sent prophets in each and every nation", and then elaborated by saying: “Had Allah started giving the details of each and every prophet, the Qur’an would have been a very big, voluminous book. Now, with these 24-25 prophets, Allah has given us an example that these were prophets, these were their nations, this is how they worked, and this is what happened to their nations .... Allah has just given us some examples; it is not necessary to give each and every detail.” - Huzoor (aba) was asked what the exemplary qualities of a tifl should be and also the questioner expressed his desire to serve the Jama’at and sought guidance.
Huzoor was very clear in his answer and said: “An exemplary tifl should be very well behaved, obeying his parents, working hard in his studies, offering the five daily prayers, reciting the Holy Qur’an daily and listening to the sermons I deliver on MTA. They should not waste time gossiping or playing games that are useless. You can play football, but not video games. Do not watch bad programmes on the television; try to increase your religious knowledge.”
With regards to how best to serve the Jama’at, he asked the tifl first what he wanted to become to which he replied, a banker. Huzoor (aba) then said: “So, if you want to be a banker, that is okay. You will have to work hard and be honest; when you become a banker, then try to be honest with your work and serve the people. It should not be that you only try to earn money and try to make yourself rich. Your main purpose should be to serve the people of your nation...”
Discussed in the above virtual meetings - (PLEASE NOTE): These do not represent the full answers given by Huzoor Aqdas (aba) You are encouraged to watch the full video sequence of each question by clicking on timelink. Bold italic quotes are from Huzoor Aqdas (aba).
(00:32 secs) – On 5 June 2021, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad presided a sixty-five minute virtual meeting with male members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Kababir in Haifa. This was an historical meeting as it was the first time that people from the Holy Land were blessed with a meeting from Kababir presided with a Khalifa. Indeed, the ‘The Land of the Prophets’ was once again honoured by the Khalifa of a Prophet.
Following an introductory video of Kababir, question were asked to Huzor Aqdas (aba).
Following an introductory video of Kababir, question were asked to Huzor Aqdas (aba).
- (4:52 mins) – The first question was how should Ahmadi Muslims in Kababir mark the Centenary of their Jama’at?
Huzoor (aba) said at the beginning: “When someone asked the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) about the Day of Judgement, he replied by asking ‘What preparation have you made for that day?’ Therefore, the importance of anything is dependent upon one’s preparation for it” Huzoor went on to say that they need to ask themselves question like:
• How many of you are those who have adopted the true teachings of Islam?
• How many amongst you have truly become the servants of the Gracious God?
• How many amongst you have a high degree of worship of God and offer voluntary prayers along with their compulsory prayers?
• How many of you have a desire to spread the message of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) in their family, in other people and in their nation and actually make efforts to do this?
• How many of you are observing the highest morals?
• How many from amongst you have established an atmosphere of peace, harmony and love and affection in their homes?
• How many of you have made their children aware of the teachings of Ahmadiyyat – the True Islam?
Huzoor (aba) said these are some of the ways the Kababir Jama’at can celebrate their centenary. Huzoor (aba) concluded by saying; “Furthermore, how many of you have a true connection with Khilafat and fulfilling their oaths?.” - (8:10 mins) – A question was asked that as a Palestinian living in Israel, how does one fulfil their duties whilst living in a country that is in conflict with them?
This was an important question asked to Huzoor (aba) who gave a detailed reply – below is just a brief summary.
Huzoor (aba) stated that: “It is a commandment of Islam for a Muslim to follow the law of the land where he is residing. If the government is doing injustices, one option is to leave that place and migrate…”
Huzoor (aba) said if you are able to and “...your voice can reach the authorities and the government representatives then you should use it to speak and inform them that injustices never flourish. Thus, our task is that any government or anyone who is unjust we should try and make them understand that injustices can never succeed."
Huzoor then gave an example of where in Pakistan, the Constitution has declared Ahmadis as non-Muslims in addition to prohibiting them from reciting the Kalma, facing the Qiblah for the five daily prayers and many other injunctions. No Ahmadi is willing to accept this stance said Huzoor also remarked: “ for the other laws of the land, Ahmadis living there abide by them all.”
“One thing to remember is that if one is faced with such difficult circumstances and one is able to migrate, then Islam instructs that instead of rebelling against the oppressive government, one ought to migrate from there. We find this very example and practice in the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa).”
Huzoor (aba) also said that no Ahmadi Muslim should engage in creating disorder, damaging property and say things that could potentially harm the nation and country. Huzoor (aba) mentioned the words of the late Sir Chaudhry Zafrullah Khan during the creation of Israel, who whilst serving as the Foreign Minister of Pakistan in the late 1940s, outlined at the United Nations, that peace would not be established unless both nations are afforded equal rights and if Palestine and Israel are to co-exist, then they must exist as two separate independant countries. Huzoor (aba) continued by saying:
“... even when living under Palestine, you are more or less living in suppressed conditions.” ".. you must use wisdom whilst speaking out against it and gather together such people who can present your matter before the international stage through which an independent Palestinian government can be established.”
Concluding his answer, Huzoor (aba) stated real change for the better would be achieved only through a meaningful relationship with God Almighty.
“If the Palestinians truly unite, supplicate and reach the highest levels of faith, morality and righteousness to such a degree where their supplications reach the threshold of Allah the Almighty and He becomes the Helper of the believers, then the situation will improve, God Willing."
May Palestine heed the words of the Khalifa. - (13:33 mins) – Question was asked about the status of Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque according to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community?
Huzoor reiterated Kababir’s Amir Sahib’s opening speech where he described Al-Aqsa mosque as the land of the past prophets and the Holy Land, so it should be obvious how we feel about it. Huzoor (aba) then asked the questioner how the non-Ahmadi Muslims consider this land or Masjid Aqsa? To which the questioner replied: “They believe that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) descended there physically, but we Ahmadis say it was a vision.”
Huzoor (aba) explained in length about this answer and readers are advised to click the time link to hear the full fascinating answer. Basically, the highest status Mosque is Makkah, then Madinah. Ahmadi Muslims believe that Bait-ul-Maqdas has a special status only because of its link with the past prophets but we do not hold it dearer than Madinah or Makkah as they have there own special status said Huzoor (aba). With regards to Al-Aqsa Mosque, Huzoor (aba) said: “...the people living there also have a responsibility to safeguard it but to say it has significance because the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came there in the night of Isra, then it is wrong – we do not believe in this.” - (19:30 mins) – When will Huzoor (aba) bless the land of Kababir?
Huzoor (aba) said that this depends on a number of things like the strength of their prayers; to what extent they fulfilled their roles of true believers, who fulfils the rights of Allah and His Creation and become the true servant of Allah. “Otherwise, these are just emotional things – nothing is achieved through mere emotions.”
Huzoor (aba) said that Allah Almighty says one must strive through prayers and tabligh and He will then open new avenues and remove any shortcomings. - (20:31 mins) – In Chapter 48, verse 28 of the Holy Qur’an which begins “Surely has Allah in truth fulfilled for His Messenger the vision. You will certainly enter the Sacred Mosque.” When will these words also be fulfilled for the Promised Messiah (as)?
Huzoor (aba) quoted the Promised Messiah (as) who said: “The tasks that Allah the Almighty has assigned to me and my prophecies and what Allah the Almighty has informed me in His revelations – which I have informed the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of – those things will, God-willing, most certainly come to pass.’ When they shall come to pass, only Allah knows best.”
Referring to these prophecies, Huzoor (aba) said these are the words of Allah Almighty and as such will be fulfilled just like the numerous prophecies and revelations of the Promised Messiah (as). “And God-willing, one day will come when the Muslim Ummah, under the flag of the Promised Messiah (as), will enter the Holy Ka’aba.”
“But nonetheless, it is for certain that these prophecies will be fulfilled because they are the words of Allah the Almighty...... And God-willing, the day will come when the Muslim Ummah, under the flag of the Promised Messiah (as) will enter the Holy Ka’bah.” - (22:45 mins) – How does Huzoor (aba) see the community progressing in the coming decade?
Huzoor (aba) said that a solid foundation has been set and the progress of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is ever continuing throughout the world including to some of the major parliaments of the world.
“God-Willing, we will come to see that the majority of the people will come under the flag of the Promised Messiah (as) or at least there will be a majority even amongst the Muslims as well who will accept Ahmadiyyat as the true Islam," said Huzoor (aba). - (24:19 min) – MEETING WITH LAJNA IMAILLAH
On 6 June 2021, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad presided a virtual meeting with members of Lajna Imaillah in Kababir in Haifa.
His Holiness presided the meeting from his office in Islamabad, Tilford, whilst the Lajna members joined from Mahmood Mosque in Kababir. Below are some of the questions asked to Huzoor (aba). - (24:31 mins) – How can we be free from surrounding dangers?
Huzoor (aba) said: “There are certain dangers owing to particular circumstances which have engulfed that region and the Muslims in particular always remain in a state of danger... And when we provide them [opponents] with an excuse, then those dangers increase. Therefore, one has to live in that area with great wisdom.”
However, Huzoor then said that the biggest danger across the world was the widespread dissemination of immorality and wrongdoing by deceiving forces that is being spread through the media, the internet and other means and this is affecting young people even from religious households. Elaborating further on this and on the upbringing of children in the day and age, Huzoor (aba) said the following important points which are summarised in bulletin form.
• As a result of the widespread dissemination of immorality and wrongs, young people across the world are moving away from their faith despite having been born in religious households. Mankind is turning increasingly towards fulfilling worldly desires and materialism.
• We must try to avoid a similar fate for our children by making great efforts to raise them in the best way and mothers have a fundamental role in this.
• From childhood, mothers should forge a close bond with their children and teach them about their faith.
• An Ahmadi Muslim mother has a duty to ingrain within her child that they must forever give precedence to their faith over the world and that they should never be overcome or be swayed by the bright lights and superficial ways of the world. - (28:09 mins) – His Holiness was also asked what his message was for Arab Ahmadi Muslim women.
Huzoor (aba) replied that the hallmark and distinguishing features for all Ahmadi Muslim women are those whose actions, morals, demeanour, speech and social interactions are all of the highest order and inline with the teachings of Islam. Huzoor (aba) emphasised the immense importance that should be placed on the upbringing of children. He said:
“One should pray for their children that Allah the Almighty may always keep them attached to their faith and that they never deviate from the right path. Repeatedly offer the Qur'anic prayer for them that ‘Guide us on the right path’ and pray that may they never fall under the traps laid by satanic forces and may they never have doubts about their faith and may they never have any thoughts of creating unrest in society.”
Huzoor (aba) said the upbringing of children is a very demanding task and if “Ahmadi Muslim women fulfil this responsibility, then they will come to embody the saying of the Holy Prophet (sa) that ‘Heaven lies under the feet of one’s mother.’”
- (30:36 mins) – One lady mentioned that Muslim women who observed Hijab were often viewed with suspicion and sought Huzoor's advice.
Huzoor (aba) said such social pressures relating to the Hijab exists in many countries and in certain European countries there are laws that even prohibit Muslim women from even wearing the Hijab but those with firm faith continue to observe Hijab. Huzoor (aba) was very clear on his stance on this by saying:
“... you have to decide whether you wish to safeguard your faith and establish a relationship with Allah the Almighty and follow what He says or will you become afraid of the society and worried over small criticisms and so abandon your religious teachings.”
Huzoor (aba) concluded by saying:
"I hope that a believing Ahmadi Muslim woman and girl will remain firm upon their faith and that having accepted the Promised Messiah (as) she will act upon the teachings of the Holy Qur’an – the teachings for which the Promised Messiah (as) was sent by Allah the Almighty.” - (33:13 mins) – Is it permissible to accept the invitation of non-Muslim friends to their celebrations or events where sometimes, un-Islamic traditions might take place?
Huzoor (aba) said this is already prevalent in many countries with Muslims adopting traditions from other religions and said: “But those non-Ahmadis who have good relations with the Jama’at, and invite Ahmadis, then you should go [to their event] but should sit at their events with dignity.” Huzoor (aba) said that if there is dancing you can go and sit away from it and likewise if inappropriate behaviours does occur but such is very seldom, but this is something you can easily judge for yourself. “It’s usually only a few [non-Islamic] traditions being carried on and in that instance one should avoid them by sitting to one side...” and “... If men and women are dancing together, then certain wrong or immoral acts can occur and one should look away from that. But if there are only women in that gathering who are dancing and you happen to see it, there is no harm in that. There is no need to be extremely rigid.”
Huzoor concluded by saying that if asked to take part in non-Islamic practices at such events, one should refuse and say my religion does not permit this, which in turn, would be a good thing as it would possibly open avenues to engage in tabligh. - (37:15 mins) – “No, this certainly does not mean that...’ was Huzoor’s reply when asked if the verse of the Holy Qur'an which states that ‘Men are guardians over women’ means that the views and opinions of men are to be given precedence over those of women?
Huzoor (aba) went on to say: “This verse does not mean that a man’s opinion has any form of superiority over that of women. Women also give sound opinions MashAllah and it was based on the suggestions of women that certain decisions were made during the time of the Holy Prophet(sa)... the Holy prophet (sa) honoured women and took their opinions into account”
Huzoor (aba) further elaborated on the Qur’anic verse and said:
“All the verse means is that a man is responsible for the home and in that capacity he is responsible for running the finances of the house and ensuring that the house is run in accordance with the teachings of Islam…”
Huzoor (aba) also said that if a wife is earning, then her husband should not demand, (even if she has the means) of her to spend on the house in order to ease the burden on him. The man is also responsible for making sure that the home should be run in an Islamic way.
Huzoor further clarified the meaning of the word ‘guardian’ in this context by saying:
“In terms of any domestic or matrimonial issues, I often say to Ahmadi Muslim men that the verse ‘Men are guardians over women’ also requires that men should show patience and should not quarrel with their wives unnecessarily.
Every man should be patient and listen to his wife in the day-to-day matters so that the environment of the home remains peaceful. This is the meaning of the word ‘guardian’ that a man should keep the environment of the house peaceful for the sake of the children’s moral upbringing.
A man is not made the guardian to dominate his family, rather he is made guardian in order to fulfil the rights of his wife and children.”
Huzoor (aba) concluded in a light-hearted manner by telling all the ladies: “Now you can go home and impose your influence over your husbands!.” - (42:05 mins) – FRIDAY SERMON SUMMARY
The series on the Companions of the Holy Prophet (sa) continued and narrated a number of inspiration incidents on the life of Hazrat Umar (ra). For full sermon, in a number of formats and languages, please click here. - THIS QUESTION IS NOT ON THE YOUTUBE VIDEO
Rabea Sahib’s asked how many letters one should write to Huzoor(aba) as some people were of the view that writings too many letters wasted Huzoor’s time.
In response, Huzoor (aba) said:
“Every person has a unique connection with Khilafat. According to their bond with Khilafat, they write to me and I have no objections.
“This is your own decision. There is benefit of writing letters when a relationship builds – the connection between the Khalifa and an Ahmadi increases when there is mutual love for each other.
“When your letters come to me, I reply and so a relationship is forged. How frequently you wish to write to me is something you must decide for yourselves.
“I also know of some people who don’t write letters, but they have heartfelt sincerity with and love for Khilafat.”
- Virtual meeting between His Holiness and Ahmadi Muslims from the West Bank.
- Virtual meeting with members of Majlis Ansarullah UK.
- Summary of the Friday Sermon of 18th June 2021.
Discussed in the above virtual meetings - (PLEASE NOTE): These do not represent the full answers given by Huzoor Aqdas (aba) You are encouraged to watch the full video sequence of each question by clicking on time-link. Bold italic quotes are from Huzoor Aqdas (aba).
(54 secs) – On 12 June 2021, Palestinian Ahmadi Muslims from the West Bank met Huzoor Aqdas (aba). This was the first ever virtual mulaqat for members of this area who were based at the Dar-ul-Amn Mosque. Muhammad Sharif Odeh Sahib, the Amir of Kababir told Huzoor (aba) that there were 71 members present – 55 men and 21 women.
Abdul Qadir Sahib gave a brief background and history to the Jama’at in the West bank which was officially established during the era of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ru) and has developed into “a strong tree” under Huzoor (aba). Members were then given the opportunity to ask questions to Huzoor (aba).
Abdul Qadir Sahib gave a brief background and history to the Jama’at in the West bank which was officially established during the era of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ru) and has developed into “a strong tree” under Huzoor (aba). Members were then given the opportunity to ask questions to Huzoor (aba).
- (1:15 mins): Huzoor (aba) asked Is it acceptable for an Ahmadi to hide her faith from non-Ahmadi relatives due to the risk of opposition?
Huzoor (aba) give a very comprehensive answer which is summarised below:
Huzoor (aba) started by saying: “If a person is fearful and cannot withstand the opposition... then there is no harm if they have the belief [in Ahmadiyyat] in their heart but do not openly proclaim it.” Huzoor (aba) went on to say that if one has the strength and the courage to withstand opposition, then one should express their faith openly.
Huzoor (aba) then gave an example of the history of the Companions of the Holy Prophet (sa) when some early Companions became Muslims and were given protection by some leaders, they would say “...we return your protection because we wish to endure the same injustices and cruelties that our other Muslims brothers are enduring.” However, Huzoor (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) allowed some people to keep their faith private and at “... times this is the wise and prudent course of action. There were many Muslims who remained in Makkah even after the Holy Prophet(sa) had migrated from there.” Huzoor (aba) narrated once incident and said he has mentioned further examples in his Friday Sermons on the Companion of the Holy Prophet (sa). - (4:02 mins) – A question was asked whether it is permissible for Ahmadi Muslims to join a political party and if Ahmadis could join resistance movements and organisations operating outside the control of the government?
Huzoor (aba) said an Ahmadi Muslim citizens can also join political parties of their country which will enable their voices to be reached over a wider section of society. Huzoor (aba) went on to say that such placements could result in the making of policies beneficial for the country and if asked for their opinion, they should give with honesty and integrity and mentioned that there are already Ahmadi politicians in various parts of the world.
Huzoor (aba) said: “When India and Pakistan were together, at that time too, some of our members were representatives of political parties.” ....“Then, in Pakistan, until Ahmadi Muslims were declared non-Muslims, Ahmadi Muslims took part in the political process of the country.”
With regards to Resistance movements, Huzoor (aba) said, “ Ahmadi must keep in mind that they must avoid any organisation that causes destruction, disorder and violence.” However, Huzoor (aba) said Ahmadi Muslims should certainly take part in a protest if there is an established government and it organises a protest [against injustice]. This also includes taking part in military action by joining a nations armed forces if the government requires it and in many countries Ahmadi Muslims have done so.
Huzoor (aba) went on to say: “However, those organisations which are not mandated by the government and whose policies are at odds with their government and merely in the name of ‘freedom’ they wish to fulfil their own agendas, then Ahmadis should not join such movements or groups.” “ will have to assess that how does the government view the particular party or group you wish to join.”
Readers are advised to listen to the full segment of this answer in detail. - (8:45 mins) – A question was asked to Huzoor (aba) on how a person could know when they have progressed from one spiritual level to the next.
Huzoor (aba) said: “The task of a believer is to continuously strive [in spiritual development]. One should not focus on what their current spiritual rank or what the next rank is. Allah the Almighty knows where the end of one rank finishes and where the start of the second begins.” Huzoor (aba) continued by saying a believer needs to continue performing and striving for the attainment of good deeds.
Huzoor (aba) also reminded that: “As soon as a person begins to think they have reached a spiritual rank, arrogance begins to creep into a person’s mind, and arrogance is an extremely bad trait.” Huzoor (aba) stressed that to gain the pleasure of Allah the Almighty, one should aim to fulfilling His commandments and to ponder and self-reflect as to whether one had followed the hundreds of commandments of Allah the Almighty.
“Have you acted on all these commandments? Have you searched for them? When you have found these commandments and have acted on them, only then speak of the next step. It is then that Allah the Almighty bestows that rank Himself – it is not given due to human effort." - (12:29 mins) – Another questioner then said that Huzoor (aba) had a special love for Africans and always smiled upon seeing them and asked how the Arab people can attain the same love from the Khalifa.
Huzoor replied: “The truth is, I smile at every sincere Ahmadi when they come to meet or sit with me. I am smiling seeing all of you!” Huzoor (aba) who went on to say to the questioner that he also has the same emotions of love for you as I have for Africans and those are the same feelings I have for Europeans. “Neither are you less than Africans, nor are Africans less than you; neither are Pakistanis better than you, nor are Africans more or less than any other nation, nor are Europeans. Whoever is a sincere Ahmadi and has a special relationship with Khilafat, whenever I meet them or see them, I smile." - (14:31 mins) – Question was asked how to prevent children having their faith negatively impacted by non-Ahmadi relatives.
Huzoor’s first point was was one should not allow such opportunities to arise where [family members who are opponents of the Community] can express negative views against Ahmadiyyat especially in front of one's children as this has the potential of creating doubts in children's' minds. However, with regards to maintaining relationship with non-Ahmadi relatives, Huzoor (aba) said: “ should maintain an excellent relationship with them and tell them that Ahmadiyyat, which is the true Islam, teaches us that we should maintain a connection with our close relatives and treat them with love and affection.”
With regards to the moral training of Ahmadi children, Huzoor (aba) said parents must strive hard and play their roles in this regard and teach their children what religions is, why we are Ahmadis and make them aware of the differences between us and non-Ahmadis and especially with reference with the prophecy made by the Holy Prophet (sa) whereby “...we have accepted that Imam Mahdi and Promised Messiah (as) whose advent in this age was prophesied. He was to come for the revival of the religion..."
Huzoor (aba) also said: “Another notable aspect is that the Ahmadiyya Community is represented throughout the entire world and it is striving to unite the world at one hand, especially the Muslim world,” and to attain this we must all strive in every aspect to achieve for this which will keep us and our future generations safeguarded. Concluding this answer, Huzoor (aba) said: “You should not fear opposition, for it is due to opposition that Ahmadiyya continues to spread.”
Readers are advised to view the time segment for the full comprehensive answer. - (19:42 mins) – Question was asked if it was permissible to remain friends with someone who has left the Jama’at but who does not actively oppose us?
Huzoor (aba) said there is no harm in this and quoted the Qur’anic verse Ch.2 V.257 which states: ‘There should be no compulsion in religion.’ He went on to say if a person thinks the Jama’at is not right and leaves and does not engage in opposition or speaks ill of the Promised Messiah (as), then you can maintain a relationship, which in itself, may become a means for their reformation at a later date and they re-join the Community. “It is important to honour the bond of friendship; if that person does not oppose [the Community] and even if they do oppose, then there is no harm in continuing to greet them cordially.” - (20:51 mins) – One member sought advice from Huzoor (aba) on how to avoid children wasting time on computer games and the internet.
Huzoor (aba) started saying that scientists and doctors also say such things effect children's eyesight and their thinking and recommend such activities should be limited to no more than one hour during a 24-hour period. Huzoor (aba) also acknowledged these days, due to the pandemic, children are studying online but reiterated his stance on wasting time and money on computer games which can lead to addiction. All this, Huzoor (aba) said, leads the viewer being exposed to inappropriate advertisements which can have an unhealthy influence on a child that could affect them later in life. Huzoor (aba) continued by saying that parents should supervise what their children watch or do on the internet and the time they spend.
Huzoor (aba) commented: “Aside from this, arrange different activities and speak to them....” and “...then try to show them such programmes online or on the television which will improve them academically and spiritually and will also enable them to gain wisdom."
Huzoor also said: “However, at the same time, once cannot be too strict because in today’s society, if too much strictness is shown then that can also cause the children to go astray. Therefore, explain to them in a loving manner and by establishing a relationship with your children such that they consider their parents as their friends and this can lead to better means of providing the moral training of children." - (25:05 mins) – ANSAR UK VIRTUAL MEETING
On 13 June, office bearers of the Majlis Ansarullah UK were blessed with a virtual mulaqat where each representative was given an opportunity to talk about their department and seek Huzoor’s guidance. A video was also shown about the progress of the Masroor Eye Institute. - (30:06 mins) – Friday Sermon of 18 June 2021
Huzoor (aba) continued his sermon on Hazrat Umar (ra) which can be listened to by clicking HERE.
Discussed in the above virtual meetings - (PLEASE NOTE): These do not represent the full answers given by Huzoor Aqdas (aba) You are encouraged to watch the full video sequence of each question by clicking on the time-link. Bold italic quotes are from Huzoor Aqdas (aba).
- (47 secs) – On 12 June 2021, Majlis Amila Ansarullah Switzerland had the opportunity of a virtual meeting with Huzoor-e-Aqdas (aba). Office bearers of various department were able to introduce themselves and seek guidance from Huzoor Aqdas (aba). During the meeting, Huzoor (aba) emphasised during the importance of tabligh and that members of Ansar should set excellent examples of themselves for the betterment of future generations. Huzoor (aba) said “it was the responsibility of the Ansar to train the youth and children and in their homes they should ensure all the family are regular in offering prayers and reciting the Holy Qur’an.
- (2 min 57 mins) – In recent years, there has been political campaigns in restricting the religious plight of Muslims in Switzerland. Huzoor (aba) asked “Why do the people of Switzerland oppose the minarets and the Hijab so much? A member of the Ansar said “There is a political motive and the political parties try to use such sentiments in their favour to gain more points.” However, Huzoor (aba) remarked “... then that obviously has been done in view of the psyche of those people. Therefore this means that there is a tendency amongst the general public to harbour these grievances against Islam.” The speaker said this fear of Islam and foreigners within the country is then played-on to enable to win votes. Upon hearing the state of law in Switzerland, Huzoor (aba) commented: “This means there is no true religious freedom in Switzerland,” despite the country saying they are independent and do not succumb to the influence of anyone.
- (5:21 mins): During the meeting Huzoor (aba), offered his condolences to Khadim Hussain Warraich – the father of Abdul Warraich who recently passed away after completing his personal mission to raise the flag of Ahmadiyya on Mount Everest. Huzoor said: “He went for a special purpose and until the very end he endeavoured to fulfil that objective and in this sense, we can say that he attained martyrdom because he had a pious purpose. May Allah reward him.”
- (7:58 mins): Huzoor (aba) spoke to Qurrum Khokhar – the Qaid Tabligh, and asked what was their Bai'at target was to which he replied 5-10. Huzoor (aba) replied: “You have set such a low target, how are you going to make any effort?” Qurrum replied they based their ‘realistic‘ target based on atheism being quite prevalent to which Huzoor (aba) remarked: “You should be realistic but also ambitious.” and that they should at least introduce the message of Islam to the people in such a way “...that it removes entirely the reservations that they in their hearts regarding Islam.” Huzoor (aba) gave some guidance on what they should do to achieve this. Please click time-link to hear the full response.
- (10:15 mins): The Nazim Region West then was asked by Huzoor (aba) how many Ansar were in the region to which he replied 44 all of which were all active members.
- (10:53 mins): – Kamran Qaisar, a convert from June 2019 and the Za’im Majlis of Neuchatel, told Huzoor (aba) he was learning the language but his education background was is a Master in Mathematics. Kamran is originally from Lahore and Huzoor (aba) enquired if the rest of his family knew he was an Ahmadi.
- (12:67 mins): – Question was then asked to Huzoor (aba) that as Allah has created other worlds is the Holy Prophet (saw) also sent as a prophet for them?
Huzoor (aba) said: “Of course, the Holy Prophet (saw) is a mercy for all peoples (alamenn) and there is no limit to ‘alamenn’ for him, wherever it may be.”. Huzoor (aba) continued with his explanation and said: “...the Holy Prophet (saw) was sent for the entire world. And when this world establishes contact with another world where there is life which possesses knowledge and understanding, and [the concept of] of religions reaches them, then of course the Holy Prophet (saw) will be a prophet for them as well. Allah the Almighty sent him to wherever the message can reach, because by calling Himself the, ‘Lord of all the Worlds’, and then calling the Holy Prophet (saw) ‘ a mercy for all peoples’ in the Holy Qur’an, God has broadened the scope of ‘alameen’ for the Holy Prophet (saw)." Basically, the scope of ‘alameen’ for the Holy Prophet (saw) extends to wherever his message reaches.
Huzoor (aba) light-heartedly concluded by saying: ”At present you should convey the message of the Holy Prophet (saw) to this world”. “You have not yet been able to convey it to even one percent of Switzerland, yet you are speaking of other worlds. Begin with your own dwelling!.." - (15:16 mins): – FRIDAY SERMON
Huzoor (aba) continued the Sermon on Hazrat Umar Ibn al-Khattab (ra) after which Huzoor (aba) and gave a wonderful eulogy of Abdul Warraich and said: “May Allah the Almighty also enable his children to continue his virtuous deeds. He would demonstrate utmost obedience to every instruction of the Khalifa.... He was among such individuals who leave behind a void after they depart. May Allah the Almighty grant him His forgiveness and Mercy and elevate his station."
- Virtual meeting between His Holiness and Nasirat from UK South.
- His Holiness virtual address at the MTA Conference.
- Summary of the Friday Sermon of 2nd July 2021.
Discussed in the above virtual meetings - (PLEASE NOTE): These do not represent the full answers given by Huzoor Aqdas (aba) You are encouraged to watch the full video sequence of each question by clicking on the time-link. Bold italic quotes are from Huzoor Aqdas (aba).
(55 secs) – On 26 June 2021, members of Nasirat UK South had the honour of a virtual meeting with Huzoor (aba). This was attended by over 370 young ladies who had gathered at Baitul Futuh Mosque. Following a formal session, members of nasirat (young ladies up to the age of 15) had the opportunity to ask Huzoor (aba), questions regarding faith and contemporary issues.
For the full address please visit:
(30:52 mins): FRIDAY SERMON - 2 July 2021
Huzoor (aba) continued his series on the Companions of the Holy Prophet (saw).
Following this Huzoor (aba) announced the launch of a new online Ahmadiyya Encyclopaedia made by the Central Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre. The site address is
On the homepage, a search engine opens and can be used to locate information. One can also ‘contribute’ information to the site. Please see link for detailed explanation about the site given by Huzoor (aba).
- (1:18 mins): How do I know if I have good friends?
Huzoor (aba) said God Almighty says one should use their wisdom to judge between good and bad just like you can judge, for example, what is good or rotten food. Huzoor (aba) said by interacting with one’s friends you can judge from amongst other things, their manner of speech and morals. Also you can identify sincere friends when you are in need of some help. - (3:22 mins): How can we stay true to our faith whilst others may hold worldly beliefs and afraid to express his or her own ideas due to the fear of being classified as rude or backward?
Huzoor (aba) stared by saying: “First thing is to remove your inferiority complex. If you believe that yours is a true religion and is the last of the religions and contains all the good teachings which were revealed to the previous prophets, then there should not be any complex.” Huzoor (aba) elaborated further by saying why force ‘worldly’ people to listen to you with regards to religious matters when they are not interested.
Huzoor (aba) also said make friends first and when you think they are ready to talk about God and faith, only then you should make such an approach. However, never say outrightly that Islam is a supreme religion over others but instead have an amicable discussion where you can express your sentiments of Islam in a manner that does not make feel people you are blunt and rude.
- (6:12 mins): A young lady said to Huzoor (aba) : "In our Religious Education lessons, I am sometimes faced with obnoxious and abusive comments from fellow students about the Promised Messiah (as), for example, they spread lies about the nature of his demise and therefore mock his truthfulness. How best shall I deal with this?
Huzoor (aba) said that, “...this is the way our opponents behave.” Huzoor (aba) further commented that: “...that history shows that although he [the Promised Messiah (as)] had some severe diarrhoea, this does mean he died on the toilet. He died in bed and there were doctors sitting at his bedside.” Huzoor (aba) said people just use this to to make obnoxious and abusive comments all the time.
Huzoor (aba) went on to explain that if the Pakistan Assembly can enact an obnoxious law in Pakistan declaring Ahmadis as Non-Muslims, what else can you expect from them? Huzoor (aba) said to the questioner: “Without any complex, you can clearly tell them that whatever they are saying, is just a lie and this is just a concocted story of your mullahs.” - (8:35 mins): A nasirat member said to Huzoor (aba) that at times, we do not agree with parent’s advice but later realise it was for our benefit. Huzoor, how can we improve this way of thinking and avoid such mistakes?
Huzoor (aba) said one should not be so hasty in making a decision and that when parents give any advice, instead of getting annoyed and refusing it outrightly, remain quiet, ponder over it and understand what they are saying by thinking if it is beneficial or not. Huzoor (aba) then said: “.... if you have any doubts to that advice, then ask them again and it is the duty of your parents that they should satisfy you.” Huzoor (aba) went on to say to also pray to Allah Almighty that He enables you to act in the best manner following such advice from parents. “Think twice, pray to Allah before taking any decision.” - (11:06 mins): Huzoor (aba) was asked what prayers are beneficial in improving one’s mental health when facing pressure from societal norms and expectations?
“First thing is, as I have already said, remove all the complexes with regards to your religion, with regards to your faith, with regards to your appearance and with regards to your family background.” Huzoor (aba) then said to pray to Allah Almighty to guide you and dedicate one full Sajda for this purpose that may Allah Almighty gives you the strength to deal with the bad things of present-day society. In addition, Huzoor (aba) also said to recite Durood Shareef and La hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billahil Aliyil Azeem (There is no might nor power except with Allah) as much as you can and try to learn the meaning of this and also do Istigfhar – as all these will save you from the bad things and will create and develop confidence. - (13:10 mins): Racism has been extremely normalised over the years. What are Huzoor’s thoughts on this and how should racists comment’s be dealt with?
Huzoor (aba) started by saying the fault lies with both sides and mentioned about immigrant and migrants who do not adapt into society but isolate themselves and also those who work but pay no taxes or just live off benefits. Such behaviour causes animosity from the local population. “... this is why, those people, those leaders who have some [ill will]] about the immigrants, or do not like immigrants, they will try to incite the general public. This is why racism is increasing.” Huzoor (aba) continued by saying that if greater integration was adopted by immigrants, then doubts of local people will be removed. However, Huzoor (aba) emphasised that it does not mean you dress yourself as they do, or go to clubs, drink alcohol, dancing or anything that lowers your morals. But if people “realise immigrants are beneficial for our society, they are participating in the betterment of the country and trying to improve the economy of the country, then they will not raise such type of questions.”
Huzoor (aba) concluded by saying: “Tell your friends we are trying to be part of the nation and you tell them that it is our belief, that the country we are living in is our country and it is the saying that the love of your country is part of your [Islamic] faith...” - (18:22 mins): Huzoor (aba) delivered the keynote address at the MTA virtual Conference closing session on Sunday 27 June 2021. The Conference had run over the weekend and included a number of workshops, interactive sessions ad training seminars. Below is a brief synopsis in bullet form of Huzoor’s (aba) address after which a link is given to to the full address. Huzoor (aba) in one of these sessions said: “One benefit which I get from these virtual meetings is that I can see your faces. I can see how strong and staunch the people of the community are in their faith and I can see the love for Khilafat on their faces ....”
- During his address Huzoor (aba) spoke in depth about the history of MTA and how since the time of the Promised Messiah (as), the Jama’at has made use of advanced technologies and resources for the spread of the true Islam.
- “In 1938, a new chapter in the history of the Jama'at commenced when for the very first time, the message of true Islam was delivered through the voice of the Khalifa of the time to a large audience through the means of a loudspeaker...” This historic occasion was when the second Khalifa (ra) delivered an address from Masjid Aqsa in Qadian.
- On this occasion, the second Khalifa (ra) prophesied and declared that the time was surely near when the Khalifa would deliver a speech in Qadian whilst simultaneously his voice would be heard in every nation and every corner of the world. In the years that followed, glimpses of that blessed future came into view. Huzoor (aba) gave the example of this by saying Jama’at missionaries and other representatives were sent to different countries where they relayed the true message of Islam through radio broadcasts. These broadcasts to wider audiences, said Huzoor (aba) were achieved by acquiring slots on public or commercial radio stations.
- Huzoor (aba) mentioned how during the pandemic, Allah Almighty has blessed Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTA) with the opportunity of bringing the worldwide community ever closer to its Khalifa.
- Huzoor (aba) praised MTA for producing these virtual Mulaqat programmes which also provide Tabligh and Tarbiyat perspectives that are hugely beneficial for its viewers.
- Huzoor (aba) said: “Many people provide feedback that having watched the Mulaqats, their faith and bond with Khilafat has strengthened or that they have learnt new points that will aid their moral and spiritual development.”
- During these virtual Mulaqats, questions are asked to Huzoor (aba) and in this MTA address, Huzoor (aba) said people write and comment that many questions they had in their minds for some time have been answered through these sessions and that they have also understood the vision and views of the Khalifa on religious as well as contemporary matters.
- “Many also write how these programmes [virtual mulaqats] have motivated them to personally improve themselves and to strive to increase their service to the Jama’at and the unity in the Jama’at...” said Huzoor (aba)
- Huzoor (aba) said about MTA that: “It is eliminating distances, removing barriers and above all ensuring that the Jama’at of the Promised Messiah (as) remains united at the hand of Khilafat.”
- The reach of MTA is indeed to all corners of the globe as Huzoor (aba) stated, “...the teachings of the Promised Messiah (as) and instructions of the Khalifa of the time, are reaching all nations and people through MTA.
- Huzoor (aba) expressed his immense gratitude and love to all the permanent workers of MTA (who work with minimal salary compared to the industry standard) and to potentially thousands of worldwide unpaid volunteers across the world who work tirelessly and with great devotion.
- Concluding Huzoor (aba) said, “...I reiterate that both the permanent staff of MTA and every volunteer wherever they are serving are all deserving of our sincere appreciation and prayers.”
For the full address please visit:
(30:52 mins): FRIDAY SERMON - 2 July 2021
Huzoor (aba) continued his series on the Companions of the Holy Prophet (saw).
Following this Huzoor (aba) announced the launch of a new online Ahmadiyya Encyclopaedia made by the Central Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre. The site address is
On the homepage, a search engine opens and can be used to locate information. One can also ‘contribute’ information to the site. Please see link for detailed explanation about the site given by Huzoor (aba).
(31 secs) – On 4th July 2021, Huzoor Aqdas (aba) graced a 'Mercy for Mankind Charity Challenge' event with his presence – the first in-person event since the start of Covid-19 lockdown. This was held whilst still within the government guidelines. The location of the event was Waverley Abbey Church of England School which is adjacent to Islamabad in Tilford.
Huzoor Aqdas (aba) viewed the finals of competitions like slow-bike-race, cricket and a special tug-of-war match between the regional Qaideen and the National Khuddam Amila.
Huzoor Aqdas (aba) viewed the finals of competitions like slow-bike-race, cricket and a special tug-of-war match between the regional Qaideen and the National Khuddam Amila.
More than 260 members of the Khuddam attended this special event to raise fund for various charities and more than £23,000 was raised. The event concluded with a silent prayer by Huzoor Aqdas (aba).
(5:45 mins): FRIDAY SERMON - 9 July 2021
Huzoor (aba) continued his series on Hazrat Umar (ra). One aspect he spoke on was Hazrat Umar (ra) establishing institutions within the Muslim world. Click here to listen to the full sermon.
Huzoor (aba) continued his series on Hazrat Umar (ra). One aspect he spoke on was Hazrat Umar (ra) establishing institutions within the Muslim world. Click here to listen to the full sermon.