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Where the YouTube link is in English, Urdu subtitles are often included and vice-versa.
Where the YouTube link is in English, Urdu subtitles are often included and vice-versa.
May 13th 2022: (Link to full MTA UK YouTube programme)
- Virtual meeting with Nasirat members of Waqfaat-e-Nau from the UK.
- 0:00 – Intro.
- 0:51 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Waqfaat e Nau from UK.
- 1:09 – How can we include the Holy Prophet (sa) in our Eid?
- 2:04 – What can we do or say in response to people mocking the Hijab?
- 3:43 – Is every prayer offered in Tahajjud Namaz accepted?
- 5:34 – Can we donate a dead body for the purpose of medical research?
- 7:06 – If Ahmadis did not fulfil their responsibilities, would Allah raise another people?
- 11:07 – How can we as teenage girls perform Tabligh in this era?
- 12:33 – Can we go on such school trips that include an overnight stay?
- 14:16 – When would Huzoor (aba) visit Baitul Futuh Mosque again?
- 15:08 – What are the works of evil spirits & how could one be saved from their negative impact?
- 17:19 – What advice would you give to those children who suffer from mental health and depression?
- 19:18 – How can we safeguard ourselves from the negative impacts of social media?
- 21:22 – Prior to Islam, how would the prophets worship God?
- 22:19 – Are there other doors of paradise apart from Al-Rayyan?
- 23:15 – Concluding remarks of Mulaqat with Waqfaat e Nau from UK.
- 23:50 – Friday Sermon clip, 13 May 2022.
(Questions asked during the above virtual mulaqat but not covered in the Youtube video appear in the Al-Hakam report and produced below. Readers are still encouraged to read the report on the Al-Hakam website as they publish more details than what we have presented here. (Direct link to the article is in the date header)
Al-Hakam (13 May – Nasirat Waqfe Nau, UK)
- QUESTION: Saira Khurram from Tooting, London, asked why do some Muslims celebrated Eid on different days?
- QUESTION: Atiyatul Naila from Birmingham North asked if studying business was a useful field in the Jama'at?
- QUESTION: Maliha Malik, of Morden Park Jama'at, asked why Shias did matam or self-flagellation and why they gave Hazrat Alira more importance than the other rightly guided caliphs?
With regard to matam, Huzoor (aba) said that after the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (ra), it was the very people responsible for his martyrdom who first performed matam. Huzoor (aba) said that as the history behind this was lengthy, the person in-charge of Nasirat should publish an article on this in Maryam magazine.
- QUESTION: Fareeha Ahmad, of Southfields Jama'at, asked if it was permissible for Waqf-e-Nau girls to go into politics?
May 20th 2022: (Link to full MTA UK YouTube programme)
- Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Lajna Waqfaat-e-Nau from the UK. In addition, Huzoor (aba) delivered a special message to conclude The God Summit 2022 by The Review of Religions.
- In the Friday Sermon he speaks on Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra).
- 0:00 – Intro.
- 1:00 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Lajna Waqfaat-e-Nau from the UK.
- 2:28 – Some people mix traditions with religion, what should we do to incline more towards religion?
- 6:55 – How does Huzoor (aba) feel when he sees us in gatherings?
- 7:39 – To what extent should one make compromises in a relationship?
- 11:50 – There is a Hadith that in the latter days, men would dress in the garments of women, and women would dress in the garments of men. How can this Hadith be interpreted today?
- 17:14 – Sometimes the family of blessed people of Allah go astray from the right path, why does this happen?
- 21:36 – When a person gives his opinion which is contrary to popular trend, people begin to ostracise such individuals. What is Huzoor’s advice regarding this?
- 27:09 – How can we convince non-Muslim vegans that it is not morally wrong to slaughter animals?
- 29:41 – Huzoor (aba)’s special message to conclude The God Summit 2022.
- 34:19 – Friday Sermon clip 20 May 2022.
May 27th 2022: (Link to full MTA UK YouTube programme)
- Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) delivered the concluding address at the 43rd Majlis Shura of UK Jama’at. In addition, Huzoor (aba) inspected the reconstruction of the Baitul Futuh Mosque redevelopment project.