JanUARY 2023
Please click on link below in brackets for full video start to finish or for segments within the contents, please click on any timed link for precise placement.
Where the YouTube link is in English, Urdu subtitles are often included and vice-versa.
Jan 13 • Jan 20 • Jan 27
Where the YouTube link is in English, Urdu subtitles are often included and vice-versa.
Jan 13 • Jan 20 • Jan 27
January 6th 2023: (Link to full MTA UK YouTube programme)
Above images: ©MTA International, 2023
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Amila members of Jama’at in Morocco. In the Friday Sermon Huzoor (aba) announced the commencement of the 66th year of Waqf-e-Jadid).
0:00 – Intro
0:56 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Amila members of Morocco.
1:22 – Conversation with national president of Jama'at-e-Ahmadiyya Morocco.
1:57 – Conversation with Secretary Tarbiyyat. Huzoor advices regarding the Tarbiyyat of children.
3:25 – Huzoor emphasises the importance of the Tarbiyyat of children.
4:21 – Huzoor advices members to read The Will before joining the scheme of Alwasiyyat.
4:55 – Huzoor highlights having personal contact with Ahmadis.
5:39 – Conversation with Khuddam Qaid.
6:00 – Conversation with Secretary Sami wa Basri.
6:46 – Huzoor advising to start a regular bulletin.
7:12 – Conversation with Lajna members.
7:36 – Conversation with Lajna Ziafat Secretary.
8:11 – Concluding remarks of Mulaqat with Amila members of Morocco.
9:10 – Friday Sermon Clip 6 January 2023.
Al-Hakam report of above virtual meeting held on 1st January
0:00 – Intro
0:56 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Amila members of Morocco.
1:22 – Conversation with national president of Jama'at-e-Ahmadiyya Morocco.
1:57 – Conversation with Secretary Tarbiyyat. Huzoor advices regarding the Tarbiyyat of children.
3:25 – Huzoor emphasises the importance of the Tarbiyyat of children.
4:21 – Huzoor advices members to read The Will before joining the scheme of Alwasiyyat.
4:55 – Huzoor highlights having personal contact with Ahmadis.
5:39 – Conversation with Khuddam Qaid.
6:00 – Conversation with Secretary Sami wa Basri.
6:46 – Huzoor advising to start a regular bulletin.
7:12 – Conversation with Lajna members.
7:36 – Conversation with Lajna Ziafat Secretary.
8:11 – Concluding remarks of Mulaqat with Amila members of Morocco.
9:10 – Friday Sermon Clip 6 January 2023.
Al-Hakam report of above virtual meeting held on 1st January
January 13th 2023: (Link to full MTA UK YouTube programme)
Above images: ©MTA International, 2023
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with student members of Lajna Imaillah India. In the Friday Sermon Huzoor mentioned the tragic incident of martyrdom in Burkina Faso.
0:00 – Intro
0:51 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Lajna students in India.
2:17 – Lajna student presenting research on skin cancer.
4:10 – Conversation with Lajna student regarding her research.
6:21 -– Are Ahmadi women permitted to work in law, the navy, civil services and in the army?
7:14 – Should we remove our Hijab if we aren’t allowed to sit exams?
10:25 – Can we take pictures during social events whilst observing purdah?
11:34 – Question regarding the existence of God.
15:04 – Should we choose the law of the land or the teachings of Islam?
17:01– How can we maintain purdah during online teaching?
20:09 -– Friday Sermon Clip 13 January 2023.
Al-Hakam report of above virtual meeting held on 8th January
0:00 – Intro
0:51 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Lajna students in India.
2:17 – Lajna student presenting research on skin cancer.
4:10 – Conversation with Lajna student regarding her research.
6:21 -– Are Ahmadi women permitted to work in law, the navy, civil services and in the army?
7:14 – Should we remove our Hijab if we aren’t allowed to sit exams?
10:25 – Can we take pictures during social events whilst observing purdah?
11:34 – Question regarding the existence of God.
15:04 – Should we choose the law of the land or the teachings of Islam?
17:01– How can we maintain purdah during online teaching?
20:09 -– Friday Sermon Clip 13 January 2023.
Al-Hakam report of above virtual meeting held on 8th January
January 20th 2023: (Link to full MTA UK YouTube programme)
Above images: ©MTA International, 2023
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Waqifaat-e-Nau from Indonesia. In the Friday Sermon Huzoor mentioned the tragic incident of martyrdom in Burkina Faso.
0:00 – Intro
0:52 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Waqifaat-e-Nau from Indonesia.
2:51 – Presentation on the activities of the Waqifaat-e-Nau.
3:29 – How do we convey the message of Ahmadiyyat if we are serving in medical field?
5:14 – How do we pay the loan to the Jama’at if we are currently serving the Jama’at?
6:34 – How can we overcome worries regarding our future and life choices ?
8:13 – Can a Waqifa-e-Nau have an occupation after marriage?
10:08 – What should we do if our parents ask us to withdraw from Waqfe Nau scheme?
13:01 – What is Huzoor’s advice for Waqifaat-e-Nau who prioritise their services in the Jama'at over their duties as students?
14:10 – How can we make others interested in Ahmadiyyat in schools?
15:45 – How do we stay happy and sincere with Allah if we don’t achieve our goals?
18:02 – What does Huzoor do when he is sad or facing problems?
18:35 – How can we instil love for the Jama’at within the youth?
20:37 – Should we continue our service to the Jama’at after marriage?
22:36 – Do we (Indonesia Waqifaat) have an opportunity to serve in other countries?
24:08 – Friday Sermon Clip 20 January 2023.
0:00 – Intro
0:52 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Waqifaat-e-Nau from Indonesia.
2:51 – Presentation on the activities of the Waqifaat-e-Nau.
3:29 – How do we convey the message of Ahmadiyyat if we are serving in medical field?
5:14 – How do we pay the loan to the Jama’at if we are currently serving the Jama’at?
6:34 – How can we overcome worries regarding our future and life choices ?
8:13 – Can a Waqifa-e-Nau have an occupation after marriage?
10:08 – What should we do if our parents ask us to withdraw from Waqfe Nau scheme?
13:01 – What is Huzoor’s advice for Waqifaat-e-Nau who prioritise their services in the Jama'at over their duties as students?
14:10 – How can we make others interested in Ahmadiyyat in schools?
15:45 – How do we stay happy and sincere with Allah if we don’t achieve our goals?
18:02 – What does Huzoor do when he is sad or facing problems?
18:35 – How can we instil love for the Jama’at within the youth?
20:37 – Should we continue our service to the Jama’at after marriage?
22:36 – Do we (Indonesia Waqifaat) have an opportunity to serve in other countries?
24:08 – Friday Sermon Clip 20 January 2023.
• Link to Friday Sermon on YouTube in multiple languages.
• Link to The Review of Religions Friday Sermon summary.
• Link to The Review of Religions Friday Sermon summary.
January 27th 2023: (Link to full MTA UK YouTube programme)
Above images: ©MTA International, 2023
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Nasirat from Germany. In the Friday Sermon Huzoor spoke about the companions of the Holy Prophet (sa)
0:00 - Intro
0:51 - Introduction of Mulaqat with Nasirat from Germany.
1:19 - What is the best way to express love for Khilafat?
2:12 - Has Huzoor ever met angels and what can you tell us about this?
3:54 - What should I do when non-Muslims girls in school dislike me wearing Dupatta?
6:31 - Why don’t we raise our hands and pray after Namaz?
9:12 - Why are there so many different religions?
14:44 - Why do we use masculine and not feminine pronouns when speaking about God?
15:58 - What was Huzoor’s favourite activity with his parents?
16:32 - Why do we pray 5 times a day and not only one?
19:56 - Would it be permissible for a woman to go for a walk or jog wearing a headscarf and coat?
21:25 - Can we give money to beggars who ask for it?
23:07 - Why has Allah created different planets?
24:55 - Conversation with Secretary Nasirat and concluding remarks.
25:46 - Friday Sermon Clip 27 January 2023.
0:00 - Intro
0:51 - Introduction of Mulaqat with Nasirat from Germany.
1:19 - What is the best way to express love for Khilafat?
2:12 - Has Huzoor ever met angels and what can you tell us about this?
3:54 - What should I do when non-Muslims girls in school dislike me wearing Dupatta?
6:31 - Why don’t we raise our hands and pray after Namaz?
9:12 - Why are there so many different religions?
14:44 - Why do we use masculine and not feminine pronouns when speaking about God?
15:58 - What was Huzoor’s favourite activity with his parents?
16:32 - Why do we pray 5 times a day and not only one?
19:56 - Would it be permissible for a woman to go for a walk or jog wearing a headscarf and coat?
21:25 - Can we give money to beggars who ask for it?
23:07 - Why has Allah created different planets?
24:55 - Conversation with Secretary Nasirat and concluding remarks.
25:46 - Friday Sermon Clip 27 January 2023.
Questions asked during the above virtual mulaqat but not covered in the Youtube video appear in the Al-Hakam report and produced below. Readers are still encouraged to read the report on the Al-Hakam website as they publish more details than what we have presented here. (Direct link to the article is in the date header).
Al-Hakam – (held on 22nd January – Nasirat, Germany)
Therefore, if the deceased body is present, it is placed before the worshippers so they can pray for the deceased, for those bereaved and for themselves too.
Huzoor(aba) said that once the Holy Prophet(sa) was taking rest, as he got up, Hazrat Umar(ra) saw he had marks of the mat that was made of date palm leaves, imprinted on his back. Thus, Huzoor(aba) said, in those times, they used mats made of date palm leaves as prayer mats too.
Al-Hakam – (held on 22nd January – Nasirat, Germany)
- QUESTION: Basima Tariq asked Huzoor(aba) if it was permissible to offer Fajr at 6am before leaving the house if one was required to leave for school etc. at 6am while the stipulated Fajr time was 7am?
- QUESTION: Saaria Ahmad, aged 12, said when non-Muslim friends see framed photos of the Khulafa and enquire about their significance, how should we answer?
- QUESTION: Sabah Khan asked Huzoor(aba) if he would be attending the Jalsa Salana Germany?
- QUESTION: Husna Ahmad inquired about the reason for placing the body of the deceased before the worshippers during the funeral prayer (janazah).
Therefore, if the deceased body is present, it is placed before the worshippers so they can pray for the deceased, for those bereaved and for themselves too.
- QUESTION: Marusa Mishael asked Huzoor(aba) what was meant by “maqaam-e-mahmud”.
- QUESTION: Rameena Afsha asked Huzoor(aba) what one should do if they forget to offer salat.
- QUESTION: Alisha Raza asked Huzoor(aba) how the Holy Prophet’s(sa) prayer mat was.
Huzoor(aba) said that once the Holy Prophet(sa) was taking rest, as he got up, Hazrat Umar(ra) saw he had marks of the mat that was made of date palm leaves, imprinted on his back. Thus, Huzoor(aba) said, in those times, they used mats made of date palm leaves as prayer mats too.