Please click on link below in brackets for full video start to finish or for segments within the contents, please click on any timed link for precise placement.
Where the YouTube link is in English, Urdu subtitles are often included and vice-versa.
DATES: Feb 3rd • Feb 10th • Feb 17th • Feb 24th
Where the YouTube link is in English, Urdu subtitles are often included and vice-versa.
DATES: Feb 3rd • Feb 10th • Feb 17th • Feb 24th
FEBRUARY 3rd 2023: (Link to full MTA UK YouTube programme)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with members of Ansar from Norway. In the Friday Sermon Huzoor spoke about the excellences of the Holy Qur’an.
0:00 – Intro
0:52 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Ansar from Norway.
1:26 – Conversation with a recent convert, Mats Hamza.
1:53 – How important is Khilafat in Islam and how can we create a relationship with the Khalifa?
9:10 – Would we see progress of the Jama’at through opposition?
16:01 – What part can we play in regards to global warming & climate change?
21:20 – How can children look after their parents after marriage?
24:45 – Question regarding government tax and Zakat.
Questions asked during the above virtual mulaqat but not covered in the Youtube video appear in the Al-Hakam report and produced below. Readers are still encouraged to read the report on the Al-Hakam website as they publish more details than what we have presented here. (Direct link to the article is in the date header).
Al-Hakam – (held on 29th January – Ansar, Norway)
Speaking about filling out forms, Huzoor(aba) suggested that instead of asking how many times someone offered prayer, the individual report form could simply include a statement encouraging regular prayer, such as “Prayer is obligatory, we hope you will be regular in it” or “Are you regular in your prayers?” Huzoor(aba) emphasised it is the duty of the jama'at to provide this encouragement and that Allah has repeatedly drawn attention to the importance of prayer. . Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) advised Abdur Rahman Mahmud Qureshi Sahib to regularly send ahadith of such teachings to serve as a reminder. Huzoor(aba) stressed the need for increased focus on tarbiyat, as it would resolve many other issues.
0:00 – Intro
0:52 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Ansar from Norway.
1:26 – Conversation with a recent convert, Mats Hamza.
1:53 – How important is Khilafat in Islam and how can we create a relationship with the Khalifa?
9:10 – Would we see progress of the Jama’at through opposition?
16:01 – What part can we play in regards to global warming & climate change?
21:20 – How can children look after their parents after marriage?
24:45 – Question regarding government tax and Zakat.
Questions asked during the above virtual mulaqat but not covered in the Youtube video appear in the Al-Hakam report and produced below. Readers are still encouraged to read the report on the Al-Hakam website as they publish more details than what we have presented here. (Direct link to the article is in the date header).
Al-Hakam – (held on 29th January – Ansar, Norway)
- QUESTION: Rana Naeem Ahmad Khan asked about the difference between du'a (supplication) and shifa‘at )intercession), and if the Holy Prophetsa ever interceded for anyone during his lifetime.
- QUESTION: Abdur Rahman Mahmud Qureshi Sahib stated when individual reporting forms are sent out to Ansar, only a few members fill them out, and some even argue that Majlis Ansarullah has no right to inquire about worship as it is a private matter between an individual and God. He asked for Huzoor’s(aba) guidance on this matter.
Speaking about filling out forms, Huzoor(aba) suggested that instead of asking how many times someone offered prayer, the individual report form could simply include a statement encouraging regular prayer, such as “Prayer is obligatory, we hope you will be regular in it” or “Are you regular in your prayers?” Huzoor(aba) emphasised it is the duty of the jama'at to provide this encouragement and that Allah has repeatedly drawn attention to the importance of prayer. . Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) advised Abdur Rahman Mahmud Qureshi Sahib to regularly send ahadith of such teachings to serve as a reminder. Huzoor(aba) stressed the need for increased focus on tarbiyat, as it would resolve many other issues.
- QUESTION: Wasim Ahmad Chaudhry Sahib stated that some ansar members reach an age where they are fixed in their habits and face difficulty in undergoing tarbiyat and sought Huzoor's advice on this.
FEBRUARY 10th 2023: (Link to full MTA UK YouTube programme)
Above images: ©MTA International, 2023
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Waqf-e-Nau from the UK. In the Friday Sermon, Huzoor(aba) spoke once again about the excellences of the Holy Qur’an.
0:00 – Intro
0:33 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Waqf-e-Nau from the UK.
1:38 – When I go to secondary school I plan to wear a Hijab. I’m nervous about the reaction of others. Can Huzoor give some advice?
2:58 – How were the 73 sects of Islam formed?
6:24 – Can a Waqf-e-Nau child become a footballer?
7:15 – Huzoor has visited many countries. Which is your favourite and why?
8:45 – Why has Allah created bad people in the world?
11:08 – Allah knows what will happen in the future, so why does He allow His servants to face hardship?
14:50 – Why do other Muslims kiss the Holy Qur’an and are we allowed to do so?
16:02 – In my school, people ask me who eats first in your family and why can you not draw pictures of animals and people?
17:55 – What is the best prayer I can read for my parents?
19:19 – Friday Sermon Clip 10 Feb 2023
0:00 – Intro
0:33 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Waqf-e-Nau from the UK.
1:38 – When I go to secondary school I plan to wear a Hijab. I’m nervous about the reaction of others. Can Huzoor give some advice?
2:58 – How were the 73 sects of Islam formed?
6:24 – Can a Waqf-e-Nau child become a footballer?
7:15 – Huzoor has visited many countries. Which is your favourite and why?
8:45 – Why has Allah created bad people in the world?
11:08 – Allah knows what will happen in the future, so why does He allow His servants to face hardship?
14:50 – Why do other Muslims kiss the Holy Qur’an and are we allowed to do so?
16:02 – In my school, people ask me who eats first in your family and why can you not draw pictures of animals and people?
17:55 – What is the best prayer I can read for my parents?
19:19 – Friday Sermon Clip 10 Feb 2023
Questions asked during the above virtual mulaqat but not covered in the Youtube video appear in the Al-Hakam report and produced below.
Huzoor(aba) explained that if Satan had not existed, man would not have the ability to distinguish between good and evil. Allah has given humans the choice and laid bare the consequences of good and bad deeds. Those who choose to do good deeds will be rewarded by Allah.
Huzoor(aba) said that the young questioner will understand the importance of hijab better as she grows older and realises that some people exhibit immoral behaviour. Women wear hijabs to protect themselves from such individuals.
Huzoor(aba) explained that Islam is against cruelty and that whoever is cruel and acts with brutality is considered a sinner who can come under God’s wrath.
- QUESTION: Mian Labeed Ahmad from Southall Jama'at asked Huzoor(aba) for advice on how a Waqf-e-Nau boy or girl could engage in tabligh.
- QUESTION: Baseerat Ahmad, from Balham Jama'at, asked if Satan had submitted to Allah’s command to prostrate, would it mean there would only have been heaven and all of us would only do good deeds?
Huzoor(aba) explained that if Satan had not existed, man would not have the ability to distinguish between good and evil. Allah has given humans the choice and laid bare the consequences of good and bad deeds. Those who choose to do good deeds will be rewarded by Allah.
- QUESTION: Nabeeha Sheikh, of Wolverhampton Jama'at, asked Huzoor(aba) how one can, along with prayer, ensure the safety of the Jama'at and its mosques?
- QUESTION: Rayan Ahmad Mirza, from Gillingham Jama'at asked Huzoor(aba) if he had written any poems.
- QUESTION: Anabiya Asif, from Nottingham Jama'at, asked why it was so important for girls to wear the hijab and not boys.
Huzoor(aba) said that the young questioner will understand the importance of hijab better as she grows older and realises that some people exhibit immoral behaviour. Women wear hijabs to protect themselves from such individuals.
- QUESTION: Inaya Jazibah, from Aldershot North Jama'at, asked if it was permissible to hold the Qur'an without performing ablution first?
- QUESTION: Elijah Hasham Malik, of Scunthorpe Jama'at, said that if one was in the army and had to go to war with another country and had to kill someone, does it count as a sin?
Huzoor(aba) explained that Islam is against cruelty and that whoever is cruel and acts with brutality is considered a sinner who can come under God’s wrath.
Above images: ©MTA International, 2023
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Khuddam and Atfal from Finland. In the Friday Sermon, Huzoor(aba) spoke Hazrat Musleh Mau'od(ra).
0:00 – Intro
0:51 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Khuddam and Atfal from Finland.
1:29 – How can one overcome anger?
3:24 – Family intervention causes problems between a couple, how can we resolve these issues?
5:54 – How long would Jama’at face opposition?
9:28 – Should one continue with work where alcohol is dealt and potential disinformation to avoid tax?
10:54 – Is it permissible to offer Salat in clothes that had been touched or sat on by pets?
13:35 – What could we do to benefit the Jama’at as a Waqfe Nau?
15:42 – How could we pass through the stage of nafs-e-lawwamah and attain nafs-e-mutma’innah?
17:45 –- What should one do if they cannot fulfil the responsibility given by the Jama’at?
20:30 – Friday Sermon Clip 17 February 2023.
0:00 – Intro
0:51 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Khuddam and Atfal from Finland.
1:29 – How can one overcome anger?
3:24 – Family intervention causes problems between a couple, how can we resolve these issues?
5:54 – How long would Jama’at face opposition?
9:28 – Should one continue with work where alcohol is dealt and potential disinformation to avoid tax?
10:54 – Is it permissible to offer Salat in clothes that had been touched or sat on by pets?
13:35 – What could we do to benefit the Jama’at as a Waqfe Nau?
15:42 – How could we pass through the stage of nafs-e-lawwamah and attain nafs-e-mutma’innah?
17:45 –- What should one do if they cannot fulfil the responsibility given by the Jama’at?
20:30 – Friday Sermon Clip 17 February 2023.
Questions asked during the above virtual mulaqat but not covered in the Youtube video appear in the Al-Hakam report and produced below.
قدرت سے اپنى ذات كا دیتا ہے حق ثبوت
اس بے نشاں كى چہرہ نمائى یہى تو ہے
“Through His Might does God prove His existence; this is how He unveils His invisible countenance.” (Majmu‘ah-e-Ishtiharat [1986], Vol. 1, p. 143). Huzoor(aba) said some holy personages see visions, and matters are also disclosed to Prophets through revelation.
- QUESTION: Waleed Ahmad asked Huzoor(aba) how one could communicate with Allah.
قدرت سے اپنى ذات كا دیتا ہے حق ثبوت
اس بے نشاں كى چہرہ نمائى یہى تو ہے
“Through His Might does God prove His existence; this is how He unveils His invisible countenance.” (Majmu‘ah-e-Ishtiharat [1986], Vol. 1, p. 143). Huzoor(aba) said some holy personages see visions, and matters are also disclosed to Prophets through revelation.
- QUESTION: Safeer Ahmad Qureshi said he had firm faith that the Khalifa of the time is the closest person to Allah in this day and age. He then asked Huzoor(aba) how Allah guides the Khalifah.
- QUESTION: Usharab Hamdun Sahib asked that if Allah alone is eternal, how will those granted paradise, abide therein for eternity?
Above images: ©MTA International, 2023
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) presides over a virtual Mulaqat with Nasirat and Lajna from Denmark. In the Friday Sermon, Huzoor(aba) spoke about the Companions of the Holy Prophet(sa).
0:00 – Intro
0:50 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Nasirat and Lajna from Denmark.
1:17 – What is the meaning of the Hadith “I would not have created this universe if it were not for the creation of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa).”?
4:08 – How should parents raise their children so that they do not go through an identity crisis?*
11:07 – How can we become Huzoor’s sultan-e-naseer [True Helper]?
13:21 – How can we advise Jama’at members without hurting their sentiments?
18:29 – Some men do not help with household work, what is Huzoor’s guidance in this regard?
20:21 – How can we draw the attention of Lajna towards five daily prayers, reading the Holy Qur’an and serving faith?
23:40 – What is the role of in-laws and responsibilities of a daughter-in-law?**
27:51 – Friday Sermon Clip 24 February 2023.
* LINK: 'Ahmadi mothers should befriend their children and discuss faith with them.'
** Link to the book Huzoor(aba) made reference to is: Domestic Issues and their Solutions
0:00 – Intro
0:50 – Introduction of Mulaqat with Nasirat and Lajna from Denmark.
1:17 – What is the meaning of the Hadith “I would not have created this universe if it were not for the creation of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa).”?
4:08 – How should parents raise their children so that they do not go through an identity crisis?*
11:07 – How can we become Huzoor’s sultan-e-naseer [True Helper]?
13:21 – How can we advise Jama’at members without hurting their sentiments?
18:29 – Some men do not help with household work, what is Huzoor’s guidance in this regard?
20:21 – How can we draw the attention of Lajna towards five daily prayers, reading the Holy Qur’an and serving faith?
23:40 – What is the role of in-laws and responsibilities of a daughter-in-law?**
27:51 – Friday Sermon Clip 24 February 2023.
* LINK: 'Ahmadi mothers should befriend their children and discuss faith with them.'
** Link to the book Huzoor(aba) made reference to is: Domestic Issues and their Solutions
Questions asked during the above virtual mulaqat but not covered in the Youtube video appear in the Al-Hakam report and produced below.
Link to Ayat al-Kursi prayer and translation.
Huzoor(aba) further said: “There are various commentaries for this, and it can refer to both the Holy Prophet(sa) and the Promised Messiah(as).”
Huzoor(aba) went on to briefly explain the hadith, that said, if faith ascended to the Pleiades, a man of Persian descent would bring it back. Huzoor(aba) said that when Surah al-Jumu‘ah was revealed, it prophesied that:
وَّاٰخَرِيۡنَ مِنۡهُمۡ لَمَّا يَلۡحَقُوۡا بِهِم
“And [among] others from among them who have not yet joined them.” (Surah al-Jumu‘ah, Ch.62: V.4)
When asked who the akharin mentioned in this verse were, the Holy Prophet(sa) placed his hand on Hazrat Salman al-Farisi(ra) and said that even if faith were to ascend to the Pleiades, a man from these people would surely find it. “This was also a sign of the coming of the Messiah and Mahdi,” Huzoor(aba) added.
“When you study all these ahadith collectively, you would come to understand that the prophecies concerning the 14th century, the Messiah, and the Mahdi all pertain to the same era”.
Huzoor(aba) explained that those who can go out for a walk in the open air should do so and added that Lajna should also have their own arrangements in the mosque complex where they can exercise and play some games or where their events can be held. Huzoor(aba) said that this would help with both mental and physical health. Huzoor(aba) added that one must establish a relationship with Allah and follow His commandments as this will help one’s spirituality.
- QUESTION: Zoha Lone expressed that she would feel afraid at night and asked Huzoor(aba) for a prayer she could recite when she experienced fear.
Link to Ayat al-Kursi prayer and translation.
- QUESTION: Madiha Sohail said that in the initial verses of Surah at-Tariq, Allah states: “By the heaven and the Morning Star. And what should make thee know what the Morning Star is? It is the star of piercing brightness.” (Surah at-Tariq, Ch. 86: V. 2-4). What does this verse mean?
Huzoor(aba) further said: “There are various commentaries for this, and it can refer to both the Holy Prophet(sa) and the Promised Messiah(as).”
- QUESTION: Maleeka Butt mentioned that nasirat have promised to pray for Hazrat Huzoor(aba) in their daily prayers. She then asked if Huzoor(aba), considering his extensive workload, does not get tired?
- QUESTION: Marriyam Mubashar mentioned that in 1890, the Promised Messiah(as) claimed to be the Messiah of the age, and in 1891, he claimed to be the Mahdi. She asked Huzoor(aba) where we find evidence of the advent of the Imam Mahdi(as) and Messiah(as) in the 14th century AH.
Huzoor(aba) went on to briefly explain the hadith, that said, if faith ascended to the Pleiades, a man of Persian descent would bring it back. Huzoor(aba) said that when Surah al-Jumu‘ah was revealed, it prophesied that:
وَّاٰخَرِيۡنَ مِنۡهُمۡ لَمَّا يَلۡحَقُوۡا بِهِم
“And [among] others from among them who have not yet joined them.” (Surah al-Jumu‘ah, Ch.62: V.4)
When asked who the akharin mentioned in this verse were, the Holy Prophet(sa) placed his hand on Hazrat Salman al-Farisi(ra) and said that even if faith were to ascend to the Pleiades, a man from these people would surely find it. “This was also a sign of the coming of the Messiah and Mahdi,” Huzoor(aba) added.
“When you study all these ahadith collectively, you would come to understand that the prophecies concerning the 14th century, the Messiah, and the Mahdi all pertain to the same era”.
- QUESTION: A question was asked on how Lajna members can look after their mental and physical health and how they can motivate their families.
Huzoor(aba) explained that those who can go out for a walk in the open air should do so and added that Lajna should also have their own arrangements in the mosque complex where they can exercise and play some games or where their events can be held. Huzoor(aba) said that this would help with both mental and physical health. Huzoor(aba) added that one must establish a relationship with Allah and follow His commandments as this will help one’s spirituality.